Friday. August 5th, 2016.

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Dear Lance,

I feel down. Its the second time Jonathan has ignored me, and I'm staring to fear that our friendship is coming to an end. He doesn't care about me at all. Or at least that's what he makes it seem. I am starting to be okay with the fact that I'm alone, but not having him as a friend really hurts. I mean, the other day it's like I was one of those people he only texted because I texted him and he didn't want to be rude. I hate being the person no one cares about, and yes, I do have friends but for some sort of reason this one means more. Maybe it's because part of me still loves him, but he means a lot to me. Well it's starting to become meant really. I miss the him that used to text me first and would talk with me for hours on end. That's the him I miss. This new him treats me like crap. He has been for a while now. I promised him I'd never leave him, but I don't know if that even means something. I'm on the brink of giving up on him. That's the reality of the situation. I don't want to lose him, but maybe if I showed him that he could lose me, he'd value me as a friend. That's what's been on my mind today.

Thanks for listening,

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