Chapter 1

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Dandelion garden,Leodox Castle,La Coruña, Spain

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Dandelion garden,
Leodox Castle,
La Coruña, Spain

Dear Mrs. Anna Mariella Snape,

I heard of your quite reputation in the field of Eastern Magic; therefore, I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, and on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, invite you to teach a newly implemented subject called Oriental Magic in Hogwarts. If you are interested in the position, please reply this letter before the September begins.

yours sincerely,
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Anna was so flabbergasted in this morning. In fact she screamed at the top of her lungs. It was really loud and because of it, Snape was horrified of the sound and immediately thought to find his wife. "Damn this bloody castle!" he said while running in full speed at the corridor of the Leodox Residence. 

When the loving wife heard of the rapid footsteps of her husband, "I'll just keep this as a secret. I want to see Sevy's reaction in September first." She impishly thought. she instantly fold the letter in to two and hid it under a teacup and started to read the daily prophet.

"What on the Merlin's name happened!?" he said while catching his breath.

"Oh nothing, dear" she smiled as if nothing happened.

"Oh really?" Snape gave a meaningful look. "Then why are you reading the newspaper upside down?"

She then started to realize, "Oh sorry my bad, I'm just little not in myself. Ha ha."

"'Not in myself' huh" He repeated her statement in a mocking way and with a glare.


Then an elf named Dobby popped just in time and saved Anna's life. "Dobby was sent to invite Master and Mistress Snape in the celebration of Master Malfoy's Azkaban release recently. The said celebration will happen tomorrow night at the Malfoy Manor and the guess are required to dress in their most formal attires. Good day, Master and Mistress Snape." "And good day to you also, Dobby" the young mistress replied. In no less than a minute Dobby popped out.

"Hmmm. I forgot that it has been 2 days since he was freed of criminal charges. I must write a letter for him." He then left and went to his office.

Mariella breathe a heavy sigh of relief and thought "Oh Dobby, you don't know how much I owe you. Thank you. Thank you very much" while sipping her tea, she reread her Hogwarts letter again with a smirk.

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