The Return

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Pidge thought she heard one of the Galra Soliders say that they were under attack.
But she wasn't quit sure.
When the flash went away all the Galra soldiers were down.
She looked up to see who did it.
He looked like Galra but possibly couldn't if he took down his own troops.
Solider:"Hurry stand up! We don't have much time."
Pidge shook her head and pointed at her leg. She was too in aww to speak.The stranger helped her up.She was eager to find out WHY this stranger was helped my her escape?
She looked down as they were rushing down one of the hall ways.
Pidge:"Who are you?"
She asked as she turned to face him.
He met her gaze then raised his eyebrow.
He then stopped. Took a deep breath and then with a stern voice continued.
Solider:" if I tell you, you must promis not to tell any of the paladins...OR Allura or Coran."
Pidge nodded. She was curious to see what she'd find out. The solider sighed then spoke once more.
Solider:"My name is Lotor. I am Zarkons Son. I disagree with his harsh ways and attempt to help or solve any problems that he is involved in."
Pidge pulled out of his grasp and fell on the floor. Grasping her leg she turned towards him.
Pidge:"Your Zarkons Son!? How do I know this isn't a trap!"
Lotor looked sympathetically at her.
Lotor:"You really think I'd kill my own soldiers just to take you to a place they were already gonna take you?"
Pidge thought for a second. He was right, it didn't make sense!
Pidge turned her head.
Pidge:"a Your right..."
Lotor extended his hand to help her up.
Pidge hesitated, then expected it and grabbed his hand.
Lotor Helped Pidge up, and they were off again.
They came across a bay with a pod.
Lotor:"That's our ticket out."
Lotor Helped Pidge into a seat of the Pod and then helped himself in.
Lotor:"You alright with being my copilot?"
Pidge nodded.
The bay door came down and a burst of Galra Soldiers entered.
Lotor:"Alright...let's get out of here!"
Lotor flew the pod out of Zarkons base and into space were no Galra could be found.
Lotor:"Alright let's get you to your base."
Pidge:"Here's the coordinates."
Pidge held up a small phone like item with a map of the galaxy and coordinates to the ship.
2 hours later....
Lotor:"we're here...but how do we get you in?"
Pidge:"you're probably gonna have to get me in there yourself.Cause if you hadn't noticed..."
Pidge said as she pointed down at her leg.
Pidge:"I'm not really in the "shape" to walk on my own right now."
Lotor sighed.She was right. And he knew it.
Lotor:"Maybe we should shoot in the door to make them come out."
Pidge:"Yes because it sound totally reasonable to start shooting at the door using an enemy vehicle."
Lotor sighed and gave her a stern but sympathetic face.
Lotor:"You got another idea?"
Pidge Looked down. How else were they to get in?
Pidge Grunted and shook her head.
Pidge:"Fine...we'all do it your way..."
Lotor Chuckled then looked down at the control panels.
Lotor:"Light Shots?"
He turned back to Pidge.
Pidge:"ehh, in the middle."
Lotor nodded then pushed some buttons in the pod and began striking at the door of the castle.

The Escape//VoltronTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang