The Beginning of New Tides

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The world is your oyster. It's up to you to find the pearls. ~
William Squidspeare

Downtown Inkopolis Square
Estate 408 - The Reef
11:30 pm

(Susie's P.O.V)

"OH MY GOSH! I can't believe my little sister's finally coming to Inkopolis with me!" My older sister Ikami beamed as she gave me a tight hug which felt like it would crush me any second now." You're gonna love it there!"

"Sis, y-you can let me go now!" I stuttered as I was running out of breath.

"Mom and Dad are gonna love hearing this! Tomorrow morning, you're gonna look just like I am! Oh I bet you'll look amazing! The anticipation's killing me!" she said with a cheeky grin."I know you'll love Inkopolis. Who wouldn't want to be there?"

Word has it that Inkopolis has had mysterious mishaps. Things are getting weirder and weirder everyday. My parents thought it would be a good idea to stay there for the summer because they were convinced that we would be safe in Inkopolis Square after a three year wait. My sister tagged along with me to attend this year's annual Turf War Championship.

My mom's words of motivation ran through my mind. "Don't worry if you lose. What matters is that you're having fun. Your father and I will be proud of you no matter what you do." she'd say.

"Yeah, but what if I'm not good enough? What if I'm one of those squid kids who get carried around all the time? What if I can't make any friends? What if I-"

Iki pressed her index finger softly on my lips as a sign of telling me to shut up. "Shhh, don't speak any more negative words. Think positive! You should be excited about this!"

She gave me a second to relax. I sighed. "I'll try." I said, trying to show a light smile.

"That's the spirit! And I'll be there to make sure our summer goes by smoothly. You won't have to worry about anything, but if you ask me, i think you're gonna be alright."

Nodding my head, a yawn slipped out afterward.

"You gotta go to sleep, sis. I'll see you in the morning." Ikami added. The door to my bedroom was creaked open as she twist the door handle. "Goodnight! Tomorrow we'll be at the top of The Reef!" she beamed, closing the door behind her as she stepped out.

I walked over to my neatly organized bed and sighed, placing my hands on my face. I planted my face on top of my sky blue blanket exhausted.

I'm gonna have one shell of a day...


The next morning - 8:00 a.m.

"Wakey wakey my little Sushi Roll!"

I could hear a soft voice speaking to me. I was feeling exhausted to even move my little squid limbs.

"Five more minutes..." I groaned. A few seconds after, I realized that I had saliva all over my pillow. I opened my eyes slightly to see a woman smiling with joy that was none other than my mom. "Hey mom." I smiled faintly.

"Happy Birthday, sweetie!" she said. "Ready to be a squid kid?"

I turned into my squid form. "Not quite." I smiled. "Can you carry me around? That'll give me time to think about it."

"Nice try. Get your butt up! It's your day. You don't want to waste it do you?"

I shook my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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