Running with Wolves

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Edited 12-18-2022. New name will be added when all other current chapter are updated.

The soft, leaf covered ground muted the sound of paws hitting the Earth at a rapid speed. Dodging the tall dark trees, I ran, panting slightly. Hearing a low howl behind me only made my blood coarse faster through my veins, encouraging my legs to go faster.

The hunt was on.

Hearing the pack running behind me made me take in more of the crisp Autumn air, allowing my legs to give another burst of speed. Adrenaline rushed throughout my body, adding to my speed and excitement. The yellow and orange leafs brushed past me, flying in the air for a few seconds before hitting the ground once again. Leaping over an old fallen log, I suddenly turned sharp to the left, catching the scent of what I was so desperately trying to find. Slowing down to a trot, I placed my long muzzle to the ground, sniffing the leaves and dirt, making sure I was going in the right direction. Hearing a twig break made my head snap behind me. Seeing a young black wolf standing behind me, I let out a low deep growl, warning him to be quiet.

Stalking through the brush, I caught sight of a large buckskin animal. Lowering myself down to the ground as I slowly creeped closer to the bull elk. Watching his every move, I saw the other wolves of my pack surround the unaware mammal. A gust of wind ruffled my fur, causing the elk to shoot his head up, nostrils flaring. Bearing my teeth, I jumped at the spooked animal. The pack jumped into action, snapping their jaws at the now frighten elk. Our prey jumped, running in the opposite direction of me, the other wolves close on his tail. Nikita, the alpha female, raised her brown muzzle to the sky, howling. I snarled in response, giving chase to the fleeing animal. Running once again, I leaped in the air, landing on the back of the elk, causing him bellow in fear and begin to buck underneath me. Sinking my teeth in his neck, I hung onto the bucking animal. Every buck and jolt only made my teeth sink in deeper, and my jaw lock harder into the warm flesh. The other wolves, bit at his ankles, trying to slow him down. Skye, a white wolf, jumped up and latched on the elk's throat, successfully pulling the panicked animal to the ground. The pack soon latched onto the fallen animal, killing it right there.

Letting go of the now limp neck, I got off the elk and walked off to the side. The alpha's walked towards the dead animal, looking at the kill the pack made. Kodiak, the leader of the pack, was a proud and big black wolf. He carried himself like a noble as he walked towards the carcass. He was not one that you messed with. Even with my size, I dared not challenge his rules or order. Nikita, the alpha female, was a very pretty light brown wolf. Her eyes were kind, but she'd easily rip your throat out in a split second if you did anything that crossed the line. Lifting their long muzzles to the sky, they let out a low, long howl telling the other members of our pack that there was a kill and dinner. Taking a big breath, I let out the same howl, the other hunters following our leaders' actions.

Once Kodiak finished his howl, he dug his long white fangs into the carcass, tearing off the flesh of the animal. Nikita joined soon after feasting in the fresh kill. After a few minutes of letting our alpha's eat, we all joined in, tearing and ripping off flesh and meat. My white muzzle and paws were now soaked in blood.

Upon hearing the other members of our pack run up to us, I ripped off a big chunk from the fallen beast and walked off, giving the others room to eat. Even though I was a high-ranking member and respected hunter, I would always give the younger and older wolves, who couldn't do much for themselves, my spot. It was frowned on by my leader and some of the hunters, but my friends, Nikita, Skye, and a grey wolf by the name of Echo, thought it was compassionate. Walking away from the pack, I sat down, the chunk of meat and bones resting in between my paws. Gnawing at the bone, I watched my pack, all eating and filling their empty bellies. Letting out a content sigh, I looked up towards the sky, thinking about how well my life has been ever since I met the pack.

I never want things to change...

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