don't use very....

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The ones you don't use will be in ALL CAPS on the left. The words to use will be regular on the right.

Disclaimer though.... I am not saying you can't use these words, but if you want to impress some people with a slightly larger vocabulary in your writing use the other words instead.

AFRAID- terrified
ANGRY- furious
BAD- atrocious
BEAUTIFUL- exquisite
BIG- immense
BRIGHT- dazzling
CAPABLE - accomplished
CLEAN- spotless
CLEVER- brilliant
COLD- freezing
CONVENTIONAL- conservative
DIRTY- squalid or sorrid
DRY- parched
EAGER- keen
FAST- quick
FIERCE- ferocious
GOOD- superb
HAPPY- jubilant
HOT- scalding
HUNGRY- ravenous
LARGE- colossal
LIVELY- vivacious
LOVED- adored
NEAT- immaculate
OLD- ancient
POOR- destitute
PRETTY- beautiful
QUIET- silent
RISKY- perilous, hazardous, dangerous
ROOMY- spacious
RUDE- vulgar
SERIOUS- solemn
SMALL- tiny
STRONG- unyielding
STUPID- idiotic
TASTY- delicious
THIN- gaunt
TIRED- exhausted
UGLY- hideous
VALUABLE- precious
WEAK- feeble
WET- soaked
WICKED- villainous
WISE- sagacious
WORRIED- anxious
SLOW- sluggish

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