Chapter 7

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-No one POV-
You woke up in BamBam's arms. You slowly turned your back against the wall and faced him. His sleeping face looked so peaceful and calm. At the moment you really didn't care why he was in your bed or why he was holding you, it just came to your mind that his instinct is to hold you when your feeling sad.

What did I do to deserve a friend like you...? You quietly and carefully removed his arm off of you and got off the bed.

You stretched you arms up into the air and breathed a sigh.

You then got out some clothes for some relaxing time.

You entered the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Ha... why did I think Jungkook liked me anyway...

You changed into your comfy clothes, brushed your teeth, and made your hair into a messy bun.

You exited the bathroom. You walked towards the small sofa located in front of the small T.V. You sat down and looked through your phone.

Jungkook: Remember the after party tonight.

You: like I would forget. 😐

You replied back to Jungkook and flew your phone onto the other chair. You crossed your arms and kicked your feet into the air like a child.

"I dab every morning!" You heard BamBam shout.

You sat up and looked at BamBam. He was sitting up from bed with bed hair and a puffy face. "Hehe." You giggled.

BamBam looked around the room and his eyes stopped at you, "Let's go to the beach today."

"The beach? Sure." You nodded.

BamBam threw his arms in the air in excitement, "I'll get changed then~!" He got clothes from his bag and ran into the bathroom.

You giggled to yourself again and went to you suitcase to grab your swimsuit.

Once BamBam exited the bathroom with a tank top and his swim shorts on, you entered.

You wore your black bathing suit that didn't show too much, and it was also very comfortable.

(A/N: You can change it for you'd like ^^)

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(A/N: You can change it for you'd like ^^)

You put a beach dress over and some flip-flops.

You walked out of the bathroom and BamBam smiled, "So pretty." He chuckled.

You poked his cheek, "Stop flattering me."

"Ok." He pouted, "Lets go eat breakfast at the restaurant located close to the beach." BamBam said.

"Sure, I was feeling a bit hungry." You nodded.

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