The Beach Get Away

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Living in Lewes, Delaware, my Fridays were pretty boring, but examining my friend's fiancée's corpse, that was not how I wanted to spend that night. It was cold and foggy out but it was cool to be on the beach for the first time in my life. Being an orphan I didn't get out much as a child. It wasn't that cool to be examining Kate Scott's body. Kate was Sam Cambridge's fiancée. It was my first case as a detective so I was a bit nervous. My friend Sam Cambridge insisted that I be the one to investigate. I started examining the area around her body. Her body was lying close to the board walk. Her purse was dumped down near the water and her phone, wallet, and her lucky necklace were missing.

"How's the investigation? Have you found anything yet?" My friend Sam Cambridge asked.

"Not yet. Why don't you and your friends go home? I will call you in the morning when I'm done with my examination." I replied.

"All right." He said with a sniffle.

"And Sam, take it easy ok? Relax and go scuba diving, you love scuba diving. I'll find out who did this."

"I hope so." Sam started to cry as he walked away. After he left I started examining the body. From a quick look at her body she was shot in her abdomen. It seemed as though she died instantly. That seemed highly unlikely because usually a shot in the abdomen doesn't kill you instantly. I also determined that she was facing the ocean when she was shot. I didn't understand how that was possible. I stayed up all night running tests but I hadn't accomplished anything, except I noticed her throat was a little swollen, but that was probably from being shot. The sun was starting to rise so I wrapped up my investigation. As the police showed up, I noticed something odd about the sand around her. There were no footprints leading off the beach except for the exit designated by the police.

Over the next few hours I examined the whole beach and found nothing. There should've been something. There was nothing suggesting which way the killer went. I kept searching when suddenly my phone started ringing. I was getting a call from Police Chief, Donald Trump.

"Your interrogations are ready. Be here in fifteen minutes." he said.

"No problem Chief, I'll be right there."

I had been there for fifteen hours and hadn't even realized it! I drove over to the police station and walked into the interrogation room.

My first interrogation was with Sam Cambridge.

"I know this is going to be hard for you Sam, but just bear with me. Where were you at nine forty-six last night?"

"I was picking up a present for Katie. I was buying her a nice new bracelet. When I looked out the window I saw a crowd of people around our stuff but I didn't think it was anything so I waited in line to pick up her present. It wasn't till after I left the store that I realized-" He started to cry.

"Hey Sam, its ok you di-"

"It's not ok! How could it be ok?"

"I know Sam, I'm sorry, just one more question for you. Did you hear or see anything suspicious?"

"No, nothing."

"Thanks man, you can go."

"Thank you, and Aydyn if you find anything, please let me know."

"I will." I said as he got up and left. After he left I asked Chief if there was anyone who had recently got in an argument with Kate. He told me he'd find out what he could.

Next Becky and Mike were supposed to come in. When Becky walked in, I noticed Mike wasn't there.

"Where's Mike?" I asked.

Aydyn Jackson: The Beach Get Awayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें