First Day of School

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Song of the chapter: tragician by frnk iero andthe celebration
Michelle's POV:
I feel the dread of heading over to school the next day.  I barely make it to school as I entered the room as soon as the bell rings.  I don't get called lay since it's the first day.  My friend Devyn waves at me as a gesture to say hi, I wave back and smile.  The class was extremely boring, Ms. Worthington's voice is so monotone and it's easy to space out.  Fast forward to English, Mr. Hoang greats everyone at the door with a handshake.  He is very cool and energetic.  The first unit will be poetry.  The first poem we get is called, 'This Be the Verse" by Philip Larken.  We were asked to annotate and creativity spilled out of my head.  Feeling very free, I didn't think I'd like it.  Then break comes.  I ask my friends how their day was so far and they said it was good.  We talked about what we did over the summer.  As the third period bell rings, I head up to my math class.  I have Mr. Castillo again this year.  No, I am not repeating a course, he teaches different grades.  I enter the room and my eyes catch someone in the room, someone I had forgotten about for three years, Mikey!  Rest of the day was ok, the thought of Mikey went through my head. 

Hey guys, sorry I didn't update last Saturday, hope you like the story so far! 

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