Chapter 5

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“My place for last day movie marathon,” Bec cheered. I shivered. Whenever Bec had the choice of movie, you could always guarantee that it would involve either: blood, gore, supernatural beings, killers and assassins and a lot of screaming. She was your typical horror film junkie, which always meant that the rest of us would be paranoid for the rest of the night. I was by far the worst when it came any form of horror.

“Umm I think I’ll pass,” I said backing away. “I want to be bright eyed and bushy tail tomorrow. So beauty sleep is a must, cya.” I bolted with Kasey closely followed by Erin.

“Hey Callie, I’ll pick you up tomorrow around eight thirty,” Kasey called before turning off towards her house. Erin grasped my hand and slowed me down to a gentle walk when we were out of Bec’s sights. We walked in comfortable silence until we paused in front of Sam’s house. We both looked up at it, it was true, she was no longer in the country. Her home was all shut up and empty, heck they probably even took Grizzle, her little brothers rabid dog.

“She’ll be back, soon enough Callie,” Erin whispered gently.

“Typical Sam, ditches the first few weeks of school, especially final year,” I mumbled turning back down the street to where my house laid only a few blocks over.

“Typical Callie, always ready to pick a fight rather than get all emotional,” Erin mocked before crossing the street to cut through the park to mini mansion.


My alarm sounded at half past five. Quickly getting changed I grabbed my keys and slipped my joggers on. There was a reason why I was called the jock of the group.  Doing my usual warm up routine I set out for my eight kilometre jog. That was the good thing about living here by the coast. Although, it wasn’t a tourist hotspot, you couldn’t diss the council for not providing for the community. Along the bay, which by the way, no one ever swam in, there were marks on the path noting how many kilometres you had done. But not only that there were about five or so spots along the journey where a small group of ‘exercise equipment’.  It seemed that with the nations raising obesity ‘crisis’, the local council didn’t mine slimming down its citizens as well as their accounts. Of course, these weren’t adjustable in difficulties, but I wasn’t going to complain, they were good for my workout as well as the general appearance to the place.

I set my phone to shuffle and shoved my earphones in; I always found that it helped me keep pace. First an easy light jog to the sit up bench and cycle machine. A quick twenty sit ups would do, then onto a hard sprint to the pull ups and waist/hip rotation thingy. Then a strong run would eventuate to a well-paced jog before returning home for a well-deserved shower.

It was just past seven when my phone rang. Checking the caller ID I quickly answered.

“Hello? Callie?” I heard Sam ask on the other end of the line.

“Hey, how’s the Amazon?” I asked ignoring the fact that she had ditched me without a proper goodbye. Though thinking about it now, she really didn’t have the chance as she was in hospital.

“I’m not there yet, we’re waiting for our connecting flight. Anyway how was yesterday, did you meet mister kissing booth?” she asked. I let out an exhausted groan. “Oh don’t tell me he was ugly,” she laughed.

“No it’s a lot worse,” I tried to explain.

“He’s ugly and old with no teeth,” she giggled. I quickly explained the entire situation receiving a couple of laugh attacks and ‘you’re screwed’ comments.

“…so you see now I’ve got hunt this guy down,” I explained.

“Hunt him down, Pin him to the ground and hold him hostage until he agrees to be your girlfriend so you can win the bet,” Sam giggled putting on her best ‘thug’ voice.

“Exactly!” I laughed. I glanced at my watch. “Hey Sam I’ve got to get going, Kasey is picking me up in five minutes.”

“Righty O, I’ll call you when I can, and go easy on Number Twenty-three and don’t bash him to a pulp when he interrupts you ok.” She giggled again.

“No guarantees but I’ll try to remember that. Tata.” I glanced at my watch again and heard the car outside beep. I quickly grabbed my bag that I had thankfully packed yesterday and ran down the stairs as soundlessly as I could, not wanting to attract the attention of the ‘Mother’.

Unfortunately for me she was already waiting at the bottom, all dressed in her nineteen fifties get up. She was your perfect little house wife with a tiny waist and perfect curves and hair, something I had missed out on. I was more like my dad, with a full mope of curls and having three older brothers, a girl is simply built tough.

“Ah Callie it’s just you and me, now we can finally have some mother daughter time,” she smiled a slight glaze going over her eyes.

“Err sure, but right now I’m running a tad late so…gotta go,” I thanked her for the packed lunched she managed slip into my hand and ran out the house to the familiar blue jeep that Daniel drove. Jogging over to it I opened the back seat and plonked myself next to Erin. She smiled at me before turning to one of her latest arty projects. Pinkie Pie was in the front redoing her makeup, while Daniel our wonderful chauffeur gave me a quick grin in the review mirror.

“Hey Dan do you remember who was at Kurt’s party?” Kasey asked finally putting away her lip gloss. She turned and gave me the eyebrows.

“Not really, it’s kind of a blur, sorry Why you ask?” He gave her a curious glance and then looked up at the review mirror back at me with the same expression.

“Oh I just think I should hook Callie up with one of your mates. Any suggestions on who?” she smiled turning back to me giving me another round with the eyebrows. What heck was twitching your eyebrows supposed to mean?

“I can think of a few, but knowing Callie she’ll probably scare half them off within five minutes.” Daniel laughed. “No offense Callie.” He added.

“None taken,” I replied crossing my arms leaning back closing my eyes. It was the beginning of third term and quite frankly, we were all ready for it to be over, as it was our final year. Daniel sharply turned into the student car park and we began our search for a spot. Lucky for us there was one to our right which we snagged without hesitation before all piling out. “Welcome back to Juvie guys,” I grinned stretching.

“I can already smell the boredom brewing. I’ll catch you later,” Daniel waved. Kasey looped her arms around me and Erin and we strolled through the car park at a leisurely pace because, come one its school. We crossed the green lawns which had had a chance to regrow over the holidays and made our way in the general direction of the assembly hall where the great mass of society’s youth gathered in pockets of constant chatter.  I wouldn’t say our school was big on clichés and popularity groups but people just seemed to follow the saying, birds of a feather.

“Hey Erin!” We all turned to find Bec waving at us, orange lollypop in hand. She quickly popped it in her mouth and scooted pass the boys’ soccer team who were too deep in conversation to get out of her way.  Slipping between me and Kasey she began telling us about one of her many horror films she had watched last night. The warden’s call sounded throughout the school and we slowly billowed into to the hall.


sorry this chapter is short and took a while to get out.

Anyway what doyou guys think? Any suggestions?

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