My Life As A Walter Boy. By Fallzswimmer.

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Ok first of all I'm sorry I haven't updated for a bit. And second of all this book is a sequel to one of my favourite books "My Life With The Walter Boys". If you have read the first book you would know what happened between Jackie and Cole at the end of the book and you would know that the whole book was in Jackie's point of view. This boom isn't its in Cole's. And it's just as entertaining. This book is 4 year into the future and Cole is out of collage. Any way I'll let you read it that's is you want. So enough of mine rambling here's the blurb...

Cole Walter has just graduated college, but he can't find a job. When his mom finds him work in New York, he is thrust into a girl crazy world as an assistant to the editor of Cosmo. That means living with a certain beautiful girl named Jackie. Will old feelings bubble up, or fade out forever?

Sequel to My Life with the Walter Boys

Yes it's a short blurb but it's still a fantastic book I recommend that you read it. And no there is not a third book but there is like a second generation. It's one of the boys children and no I'm not gonna name the book or the boy that is the father of the children in the book. I will do a review of it when it's finished.

Please vote I really need votes and inbox me any suggestions for me to read.

Poppet xx

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