My life with the Walter Boys. By Fallzswimmer

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Ok this book is fudgeing awesome yes fudgeing. It's an interesting book it's so good that it's actually getting puplished into an actual book in March 2014. I read this book for the first time about a year ago. I've read it about 3 times since then. I love it. It's interesting, it has drama, it has love, it has a LOVE triangle. Yeah I know awesome. So here's the blurb thingy.

Sixteen-year old Jackie Howard knows nothing about her new guardian Katherine Walter when she moves from New York to Coloado. After discovering that Katherine has twelve boys, Jackie fears that living in the Walter house isn't going to be easy. It's just icing on the cake look like Abercrombie models.

Oh my gosh come on there twelve boys TWELVE nothing can get better then that even better they are sexy as fudge. It also had a sequel so check it out and don't forget to vote and comment please.

Poppet xx

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