Alphas XxDinkyxX

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Ok here's just a short story compared to one I usually read. It's.....WEREWOLF STORY. YAY. This is the first werewolf story I have reviewed but I have read other ones this is a very exciting book, has action (sort of), has love, and sad moment (which I did cry at), some parts that got me angry (coz the main girl was angry) AND of course it has....a....BABY. (Lol) so here's the blurb.

"Your my mate." He whispers. I stare at him in shock. There's only one thing I can think of to say.

"How long have you known?" I growl

"Six months" he answers. I stop breathing. He's known for six fucking months and he didn't tell me. What's worse is he's still been screwing other girls. So that means....

Argh no! Well it looks like your gonna have read it to find out what happened. Remember please vote and comment. Please please PLEASE PLEASE! As you saw there's some swearing in the book. So if your going please don't read there is some sexual things in the book.

Poppet xx

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