Scene 5

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1 week Later..............

Jerry narrates: I'm back in school school thank you God. Kinda happy I'm back here but it's a Friday I should of stayed home honestly.

*someone pushes Jerry to the locker*

Neal: move you fuckin fag!

Jerry: excuse me?

Neal: you got my niggas suspended. You have beat they ass but you won't beat mines that's some real shit.

Jerry: look I don't have a issue with you but I suggest you leave me alone because....

Neal: because what *gets in Jerry face* you not about that shit fuck nigga *mushes Jerry and walks away*

Jerry narrates: OHHHHHHH I SWEAR MAN

Mr. Lang: not so tough I see hehehe *walks pass Jerry*


Crissy: hey Jerry

Jerry: sup

Crissy: I know me and you don't talk as much but me and a group  of friends throwing a party on Saturday. Would you like to go?

Jerry: look I really don't kn......

Crissy: look I promise I'll make sure you're well taken care of.
Can you just trust me?

Jerry: I'll think about it.

In AP English IV

Mrs. Dean: guys we have a new student. His name is....... *sees he's the new boy not standing by the door inside* I see I'm gonna have trouble with him. *goes to door* get in here! I don't want to start off on the wrong foot*

Lamar: my apologies ma'am. *walks inside the classroom*

Jerry Narrates: Lawd Jesus he's in my AP English class now.

*some girls smile and whispers to each other*

*Lamar sits behind Jerry*

Lamar: hey jitt.

Random girl #1: why is he sitting next the fag *laughs*

Lamar: look do not start that don't be coming for him because your boyfriend got knocked out by the dude.

Mrs. Dean: young lady use that language in here again you're out of my classroom and will not return.

Random girl #1: I don't have to put up with this I been wanted to change my classes. I hate the fag ass bitch!

Jerry: she got one more time! *grips the desk*

*lights flickering on and off*

Jerry narrates: I will kill this bitch.

Lamar: Jerry chill don't let it get to you.

Random #1: what he gonna do hit me? Just I fight boys too....

*lights turn off in the class and the light bulbs break*


*Jerry makes the girl hit the white board*

Mrs. Dean: is everyone OK?

All: yeah we good.

Random girl #1: no I can't feel my back!

In The Hallway............

*paramedics takes the girl out on a stretcher*

Lamar: damn Jerry really?

Jerry: I didn't mean to.... I......  *walks away*

Lamar: no Jerry *runs behind Jerry and grabs him* I didn't mean it like that.

Jerry: I was trying to hold it in and she just *tears fall down face* damn I hate my powers.

*Lamar hugs Jerry*

Random boy #1: look at them.

Lamar: yeah I'm hugging my best friend! So shut the hell up bitch ass nigga!

Jerry narrates: best friend?

Random boy #1: Bruh fuck y'all. *walks away*

Scene Ends..............

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