Scene 1

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Jerry In MM

*Alarm goes off*

Jerry: another day of fuck boys and stank hoes.

Krystal: get up for school Lil boy  because you know I won't drive you to school If you miss the bus

Jerry: I'm up mother. OK I'm gonna get ready right now

Krystal: I'll be making breakfast so hurry up *leaves the room*

Jerry narrates: well hey guys I'm Jerry Simon. I'm 16 years old and I'm a senior at  Dwyer high school in Palm Beach County Florida. I hate my damn school. I'm glad it's my last year but I get tease by everyone in school just because I'm different. Im gay with a GPA 5.4 all advance classes but they hate me at school everyone does. Well not everyone.

*Jerry puts this outfit on*

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*Jerry puts this outfit on*

*Jerry grabs his phone and back pack and goes downstairs and sits at the table*

Krystal: let me talk to you really quick.*sits by Jerry* look I know you're going through a rough patch but baby you have to tell me some of the things that's wrong with you.

Jerry: nothing is wrong mom.

Krystal: stop lying because you know something is.

Jerry: *sighs* I got to go to school I'm going to miss the bus.*gets up*

Krystal: Nah Nah sit down I'll take you to school.

Jerry: mom I'm OK. Don't worry about it.

Krystal: OK go to school *gets up and kisses Jerry on the cheek* love you buddy.

Jerry: love you too.

*Jerry grabs his backpack and walks out of the house and goes to the bus stop*

???: here come this gay ass nigga. Wassup faggot?!

????: bruh why you so worried about him if you so straight you wouldn't be getting mad about him worry about yourself bruh I keep telling you that shit bruh.

???: you green as fuck. How you gonna take that nigga side.

????: nigga you lame as fuck no straight boy would worry about a gay boy period that's straight up facts.

???: *sucks teeth* man whatever nigga.

????: yeah whatever.

*the bus arrives and they boys get on and Jerry sits in the front seat*

????: yo bruh I can I sit next to you?

*Jerry scoots over to the window and the boy sits down*

????: what's your name bruh?

Jerry: Jerry names Jerry.

????: I'm Lamar.

Jerry: cool.

*bus arrives to Dwyer high*

*everyone walks in the school*

*Jerry walks to his locker and puts the combination in and opens the locker*

*a boy come behind Jerry*

??: so you think you can get away from me.

Jerry: leave me alone James. You already did damage to me.

James: you know you can't leave me. You forgot I'm your first love.

Jerry: just go. Please? *closes locker and walks away*

*James grabs Jerry and throws him to the locker and gets in his face*

James: I told you about leaving until I say so

*James balls fist up and swings at Jerry but gets stop by Lamar*

Lamar: leave the boy alone!
*throws James on the ground*

James: fuck boy I got you. You stupid. Jerry you know you'll see me later. *walks away*

Jerry: thank you. *walks away*

Lamar: aye jit wait up.*runs to Jerry* you want to walk to class?

Jerry: sure.

Jerry narrates: oh God he is fine.

Scene Ends..........

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