Scene 2

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Lamar in MM

In American Government.......

Mr. Sherman: OK class go to the computers and get to work.

*everyone goes to the computers and log on and works on there assignment*

*Lamar sits by Jerry*
Lamar: you think you can help me with this bruh?

Jerry narrates: can you help me with something else like showing me how your stroke.......

Lamar: Jerry *snaps fingers*

Jerry: *shakes Head* I apologize. Yeah I can help. What you need help on?

James: why you talking to that faggot?

Lamar: here we go nigga shut the fuck up!

Mr. Sherman: both of you watch your mouth!

Jerry: why is it that you make fun of me I don't do nothing to you James. You need to stop messing with me before.......

James: before what?!


Jerry: let's just get back to work.

One Hour Fifteen Minutes Later.............

Bell rings.......

*everyone gets up and walks out of the class room*

*a group of boys walk behind Jerry*

Jerry narrates: who's following me?

*Jerry turns around and sees James and his friends*

Jerry narrates: really man?!  He really trying to do this shit. OK I'm fighting back.

*Jerry drops his backpack*
Jerry: Wassup?

*one boy runs up and Jerry knocks him out*

*Jerry's eyes turn red and nobody notices*

*three other boys run up and Jerry knocks them out*

*security grabs Jerry and his eyes go back to being brown*

Jerry narrates: what just got into me I never felt like that before.

In the assistant principal's office........

Mr. Lang: send in Jerry for me.

*a lady brings in Jerry and closes the door6

Mr. Lang: have a seat.

*Jerry sits down in the chair*

*Krystal walks in and sits next to Jerry*

Mr. Lang: so honestly your son is causing trouble. Fighting and knocking other kids out.

Krystal: now hold on did you ask why this happened?! Because my son doesn't do anything to anyone. He's not a trouble child unlike these other kids.

Mr.Lang: well today he's causing fights and that will not be tolerated in my school.

Krystal: well check those kids who was trying to fight him have you ONCE SEEN HIM IN THIS OFFICE?!

Mr. Lang: now calm down.


*Dr. Sheffield (The Principal) walks in the office*

Dr. Sheffield: Mrs. Simon what's going on?! Why is Jerry in the office.

Mr. Lang: Jerry was in a fight and started the fight

Jerry: can I tell the story?

Dr. Sheffield: yes baby go ahead.

Jerry: so me and James Truman were fussing in Mr. Sherman class he kept calling me a faggot and kept bothering me the whole time. So after the bell ring him and his friends came behind me tried to attack me and I defended myself.

Dr. Sheffield: I honestly believe you because you're a smart kid and you never get in trouble not at all. James is a trouble boy and I know what you saying is not a lie as well.

Mr. Lang: but Dr. Sheffield........ 

Dr. Sheffield: there are no buts about it. Plus you're just trying to defend your nephew but he's a trouble maker as well.

Krystal: ohhhhhhhh so that's the reason. Hmmmmm so funny. Real funny.

Dr. Sheffield: Mrs Simon I do have to suspend him because of the school policy bur he'll get a week. The others are getting two weeks including your nephew. No questions asked.

Jerry narrates: he thought shit was sweet.

*both Jerry and Krystal leave the school and go to the car*

Lamar: hey Jerry!

*Jerry turns around and sees Lamar walking up to him*

Jerry: hey .

Lamar: you good bruh like I heard about what happened you straight?

Jerry: yeah I'm good.

Jerry narrates: just wish you wasn't straight.

Lamar: put my number in your phone I'll text you when I get home. *gives Jerry the phone*

Jerry: ok sure *put phone number in Lamar phone*

Lamar: be easy bruh I'll catch up with you jit.

Jerry: *laughs* OK see you later.

*Lamar walks away *

Krystal: he's cute. He's a trade.

Jerry: mom!

Krystal: get in boy! *laughs*

Jerry narrates: this lady is something else

Scene Ends...............

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