"Shall we eat outside?"

"Yeah, it's a lovely morning."

I take our plates out; Wayne is still inside following my progress.

"Are you coming or you just going to stand there and stare?"

I walk back into the room.

"Can't I do both? Come and stare?"

Why would he want to stare?

"You can come stare at the beautiful scenery out here."

I'm standing just inside our room, waiting for him to come.

"The beautiful scenery is still standing in the room."

My mind is still trying to argue that he isn't talking about me but my heart is already melting.

"I love that blush..."

Instead of answering I walk out, something tells me he can stand there giving me compliments the whole day, I would love that but my stomach won't stand for it.

Wayne's perspective

The moment she walked out I smiled, how I love that girl. She is amazing and it's time I tell her, I will, as soon as we go for our walk. This has gone on long enough, I love her, it's time we become a real married couple. It's time we start our lives together and work towards our future.

"Wayne, get yourself out here or I'm eating without you."

"Coming beautiful."

I walk out only to find her staring at me, shocked, "What?"

"Did you just call me beautiful?"

I didn't even notice my choice of words, "Guess so, why?"

"I just thought I heard you wrong."

"No, you are beautiful, so why not call you that?"

"Because...You really think I'm beautiful?"

She looks unsure of herself, "Breath takingly beautiful."

She is busy studying me, almost like she is trying to see if I'm serious. I knew the instant she found her answer because she turned red before turning around and grabbing her plate.

"Let's eat."

"Sure, want me to pray?"


I say grace before grabbing my plate and sitting down next to her, she almost jumped up when she saw me sitting next to her. I have never done it before, I usually take a different seat but I'm over that now, I want to be close to my wife. It's clear she is uncomfortable but tries her best to hide it by focusing on her plate. I can't help but smile at her, even when she is nervous she is extremely beautiful. I ate my food in silence, thinking about what I'm going to say to her.

"Here you two are, we were hoping to see you at breakfast."

"Morning Mom."

I smile when Lisa automatically calls her 'Mom', instead of 'Ma'am'.

"Why don't you join us Mom?"

"Love to Wayne, but I'm heading out, just came to see if you two are okay?"

"We are fine, at least I am, not sure about Wayne though."

They Both turn to stare at me, "I'm doing great."

"Any news on Zane?"

Just the mention of his name by my mom made Lisa turn stiff, if Mom noticed she didn't show it.

"No, I'm sure the authorities can handle it."

"You did the right thing Wayne, will you two join us for dinner tonight?"

"What do you think Lisa? Are you up to it?"

I don't mind joining but it's up to Lisa, whatever she says, is what we do.

"Sure, we messed up yesterday..."

"Oh no Lisa, it was just one of those days and your parents understands, none of us holds this against you or Wayne for that matter."

"Thank you, what time tonight?"


"We'll be there."

My mom says her goodbyes before leaving again, the moment she was out I asked Lisa if she is okay.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"The way you reacted when you heard Zane's name."

"I just...I don't understand what went wrong, I can't help but blame myself."

"Why would you blame yourself?"

"Because I made the mistake to become too friendly with him."

"It's not your fault he read more into your friendliness. It's not on you Lisa."

"What's going to happen for him?"

Does she care for him?

"Lisa, may I ask something?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Do you love me?"

Not what I wanted to ask, but it's too late to take it back now, her answer is going to change everything.

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