Nilofer got water for all of them.
"How have you all been?", asked Meher.
"Just breathing. Life goes on", sighed her mother.
"How are my brothers?"
"Alhamdulillah. All are asleep now.", said her mother indicating to the 6 bundled up figures on the mattress.

"It's good they all are small or Mir Jafar would have taken advantage of them as well. He already has eyes on them" said her father.

Meher slowly walked to them and looked at all of them in turn planting kisses on their cheeks. How she had missed them. She used to run around the house helping her mother feed, clothe and bathe them. They were just as loving towards her and used to get her sweet smelling flowers and bright coloured stones. Tears threatened to drop again. She wanted to hold all her siblings in her arms and never let go! Those innocent sleeping faces that she was seeing after 2 years were paining her more than Mir Jafar's wounds ever did. This was her family, her home.... A broken home.

"I did not know I had a sixth brother as well!", exclaimed Meher uncovering the last face. It was a young girl!

"Who is she?"
"She is the daughter of Ravi. He died 6 months ago, so we adopted her. Her name is Ahalya but we call her Ammarah with love".

Predominantly being a Muslim kingdom people of other religion were but a minority. But the Shehenshah's gave them equal justice.

"Maa, she is a non-muslim"

"But Islam teaches us humanity. So what if she doesn't follow our religion? She is a human like us and her heart beats like ours"

"Don't we have enough on our plates already? Now we have an extra member to look after?", asked Meher.

"Meher, child, have you forgotten everything I taught you? Just because our life is difficult doesn't mean we can't make someone's life easy. She is just like you, Aamir or Arhaan to us", said her mother.

"Life with Mir Jafar has made me bitter. Sorry Maa"
She took her place next to her father.

"What if Mir Jafar finds out you are here?", asked her father scared.

"I don't care anymore. I am tired of living my life under the shadow of fear. Tonight I have come here with a reason. Father, I need your help".

Her father looked at her daughter in disbelief. Was this Meher? From when had she found courage?
"What is it you need my daughter?"
"I want to know how the Shehenshah died"
His face turned as white as chalk and his throat became dry.
"What has this got to do with anything?", he asked.
"It could be our ticket out of this hell"
"What do you mean Meher? Tell me in detail".

"For the first time in 2 years I met someone who embraced me as my own. Someone who showed me love, care and affections. A true angel. She gave me hope and courage and guided me to free myself and my family through her help. This is exactly what I am doing. She said this evidence of Shehenshah's death can be used to convict Mir Jafar".

"What a foolish girl. Meher, I forbid you to associate with her whoever she is. She has no idea who Mir Jafar is. He is a demon. Its impossible to bring a case against him. He owns the whole court. Who will stand up in support even if a voice is raised against him? No one Meher, no one. Every official is terrified of him. They fear for their families and the hold he has over them. Abandon this silly mission right now and go back home before Mir Jafar finds anything".

"Father, you are saying all this because you don't know Saeed. I have met her. Believe me, she will stop at nothing. A fire for justice burns inside her. Allah helps those who fight for justice. Have some faith. This is the only chance we have against Mir Jafar. Do you want all your children to become his slaves like I am? Today you cannot tolerate seeing my bruises and tomorrow you will find the strength to see all your sons in the same condition?"

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