Fallen Down

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((So this is going to probably end up mixing with a bunch of AUs, but for now it's like normal undertale, mostly. Just know that Error WILL make an appearance... at some point, heh))

Frisk POV

I groaned, sitting up and rubbing my head. I looked around, noticing I was in a cave of some sort, sitting on a bed of golden flowers. There was sunlight streaming down from a hole in the ceiling high above me. I couldn't remember how I got here, or where here is, or...

I couldn't remember my name.

I didn't know who I was.

Panic immediately overtook me, and for a few moments i thought I was trapped down here. Then I realized there was a pathway that led deeper into the caves. I carefully got up, then started walking, figuring it was better than sitting here for eternity.

The cave opened up into a chamber of sorts, with a single golden flower sitting in a small patch of grass.


I jumped, realizing the flower had a face, and was TALKING to me.

"I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower!" He introduced himself, then winked at me.

"You must be new around here, huh? Golly! You must be so confused! Someone should really teach you how things work around here... Guess lil old me will have to do!" He said, almost without pausing, not letting me say anything (not that i could think of anything to say anyways).

A red heart suddenly appeared out of my chest, glowing red. Little white seed-like things popped into existance around Flowey, and they hovered around him, spinning.

"See that heart? That's your SOUL, the very culmination of your being! Your soul starts off weak, but can get stronger as you gain LV. What does LV stand for you ask? why, LOVE of course! You want some LOVE don't you?" Flowey explained cheerfully, though I hadn't actually asked anything.

"Donw here, LOVE is shared through little white... Friendliness Pellets... Move around, collect as many as you can!" He said, and the white seed-like objects flew at me.

I reached out, figuring the talking flower was trying to be nice, and besides, he was a Flower. What could go wrong?

I reached out, touching a "friendliness pellet". Pain shot up my arm instantly, and Floweys face turned from cute and friendly to pure evil. He laughed.

"Y O U  I D I O T ! D O W N  H E R E  I T S  K I L L  O R  B E  K I L L E D !" He hissed

the bullets surrounded me, comming towards me to end my life.

suddenly, a fireball came out of nowhere, hitting flowey and sending him flying away. I looked over to see a goat lady wearing a purple dress.

"What a terrible creature, torturing such a pour innocent youth," She said, sounding kind, but I wasn't so sure after my encounter with Flowey.

"I am Toriel, caretaker of these Ruins. I come here everyday to see if anyone has fallen. You're the first human to fall down here in a long time. Here, come with me," She said, and gestured for me to follow her as she walked away.

I hesitated, but followed her through the Ruins...

((Sorry it's starting off kinda boring and normal, but I gotta start it somewhere (and I had to incorporate that Frisk (if that's even who they are mwahahaha) has amnesia)))

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