Huge smiles graced their features at my words, making them look even more like gods then they had before. If I had been standing I knew that I would definitely have turned into a puddle at their feet.

"W-where are you taking me anyways?" I asked my curiosity getting the best of me. Erik smiled at me, revealing his perfect white teeth, I frowned slightly at the realization that he didn't have fangs. I guess he wasn't a vampire - I thought to myself. "Just wait and see." He murmured winking at me.

I gulped feeling that burning begin to start in between my legs again, making me want to take Adrian's offer to pull over but for an entirely different reason. Oh damn! If he just winked and he got me this worked up I didn't even want to know what he could do to me if he actually touch-

I stopped myself right before I finished my thought. I mentally slapped myself for getting sidetracked so easily.

Adrian's POV

The car felt already too small as it was with the most beautiful creature sitting only inches away from my brother and I.

Her very presence was making my gums ache, my fangs wanting to be released so I could taste her. Pleasure her. Ravage her.

God how I wanted her, and I knew from the lack of breathing coming from the back seat that my brother wanted her just as much as I did.

"W-where are you taking me anyways?" she asked, her voice still slightly guarded, but holding more confidence in it. I couldn't hold back the smile that slipped over my features. Her curiosity was adorable. 

"Just wait and see." My brother murmured, his voice deepening slightly. The soft sound of air catching in her throat made my smile widen. I was glad that we affected her as much as she was affecting us, the constant fluttering of her heart in her chest was poof of that.

Suddenly, the car filled with the sweetest erotic scent. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel when I realized that our little vixen was aroused. That only brought forward my own arousal, making my jeans become a little tighter than I preferred.

Despite my better judgement I inhaled deeply, my body needing to take her in.  I regretted it instantly. I felt the ache in my gums intensify, my fangs begging to be released, my mouth filling with excess saliva. My body was already preparing for the bite that would send a mass of endorphins flowing through her body with just one prick. The soft frustrated growl of my brother reached me, too low for her human ears to pick up, and I knew that he too felt my discomfort.

I didn't know how long we could keep our true selves from our mate, our queen, our world. She was like a drug and we were her addicts. Having her this close to us was like pure torture. She was so close, but yet so far away; and if we didn't tread carefully we could end up loosing her forever. I only prayed for my brothers sake and mine that what we showed her would help her remember.

Mina's POV

 We were quiet for the rest of the drive which only lasted about 30 minutes. I still felt increasingly nervous about agreeing to come out with Adrian and Erik, but me being ...well me, I let my guard down and I allowed them to drive me out to the most secluded place I had ever seen.

The fancy houses lining the road had disappeared a few miles back. Their structures replaced by trees that looked to be about hundreds if not thousands of years old.

It was both mesmerizing and scary, the tall trees looming far above our heads, blocking out the sun in some areas, creating an almost twilight effect.

"We're here." Adrian breathed, putting the car into park, before shutting the engine off. I glanced around my forehead beginning to perspire. I was only beginning to realize that we were very very alone.

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