6: I'm Sorry

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Princess Christia's POV

Luncheon was brought up to us shortly after I awoke, the aroma of food waking Ivan.

I wouldn't look at him, the anger and hate that he had seen me in such a vunerable state weighing in my chest.

Prince Ivan's POV

I didn't speak of it, I hardly spoke at all. The tender woman of last night had been replaced with the stiff, formal, reproving princess I had come to expect of Christia. Anytime I opened my mouth to make speach, she gave me a quelling, reproving stare. Sufficiently making our meal a silent one.

Even later when we went on a stroll on the grounds we did not talk, simply stood as strangers living two different but inseperable lives.

She was like an ice princess, her emotions so hard to read. Other than flashes in her eyes, there was no knowing what she was feeling with the serene calmness of her face. Placant, placantly calm unless you did something she absolutly would not stand for.

Princess Christia's POV

I did not want him speaking to me, I cannot have him speak to me. Battling my growing attraction and hate for him, I struggled with expressing myself as a Princess should. Sometimes I felt as though I wish I could just let go, forget decorum, manners and the like.

I tell myself that when I'm alone with him I can let myself out, but then when we actually are alone I suddenly turn shy.
I can't control it, I feel that is what irks me the most.

Night came, herolding my reluctant return to our room. I could feel the shyness take ahold of me, I was unable to stop it.

Prince Ivan's POV

I pushed her too far and now she could be anywhere, the servants said they saw her walking on the grounds early this morning.
The days had been growing cold with the change of season, and I hate to admit it but winter is when the creatures are most bold.

I searched the grounds all day, but couldn't find a trace of her. My father just gave me a look of sorrow, I couldn't bear to look in his eyes longer than a second.

The sun retreated behind the hills, leaving the land in cold and darkness.

Not two days ago I had promised myself to protect her, now it was my actions that had led to wherever she was now. A cloak was probably the most she had for protection against the weather, and I hated to think of worse things.

Princess Christia's POV

I could never live with a fop that didn't respect or integrate my standards into their life.

I didn't know where I was going, I didn't very well care at the moment, anywhere away from him.

I had come upon a frosty forest, frost seemed common enough this time of year. But as the shaddows became longer, the silhouette of the scraggy leafless trees seemed like something from nightmares.

I had never been away from home until the troll queen had ubducted me in the middle of night. Camping had been an extreemly new experience for me, and I certainly was not grateful for it. Though as the night came, I grew worried for how I would survive.

The sun had kept me warm in the day, making my inclement in mood lighten. The change into darkness was now awakening fear in my heart, "Maybe it wasn't the best idea to run away."

It was not as though Ivan had done some terrible wrong, but the cuture he represented as a prince was not the culture he lived.
How were royals going to remain respected when there were princes like him who respected everyone equally?

I pull my cloak tighter around me, trying to ward off the cold that seeps in.

Maybe I should just surrender, I have not been built for the life that I now find myself in.

I never thought of changeing into different clothes or shoes before leaving, as I think it my governess's voice enters my head "Hasty decisions are the ones we come to regret the most." 
Which I never believed of course, I have made plenty of hasty decisions and always got what I wanted out of them.
It was simply not fair that my luck had changed for the worse ever since that blasted troll!... I mean, horrible troll captured me!

I stumbled out of the forest's brambles to see a small path that could possibly be used for carts. I take a step forward, planning to follow it, when my balance is suddenly gone and a peircing ache begins in my ankle.
I fall to the damp earth, coldness seeping into my cloak.

I can't move, I try reaching my arm up to my face but it's like I'm frozen.
Panic starts setting in, but I can't do anything to calm myself.

A tear leeks out the corner of my shut eyes, "Is this to be my end? A pathetic end for my pathetic existence?"
A defencless maiden in pain that cany so much as lift a finger to help herself.

Prince Ivan's POV

A report came in the morning, a traveling merchant had claimed to have seen a maiden unconscious  laying at the side of the road.

I didn't know if I believed him, what kind of person are you to leave a person in that state? An untrustworthy one I say.

However much it could be false, I had no other leads. And I couldn't just sit at home doing nothing, it would drive me past sanity!

Having my horse saddled, I left down the small road the merchant said he had come from. Barely keeping my horse in check I wanted, no, needed to find her and make sure she was okay. It was a burning passion in my chest.

I came upon the place the merchant had spoken of around midday.

I see her still figure, my heart stopping for that instant.
I jump off my horse with more speed than I ever thought possible, rushing to her side.

Her face is pale and cold, I don't dare see if she is dead. She can't be dead, I won't let her.

"You're safe, I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.." I whisper, the guilt unbearable.

Lifting her onto the horse in front of me, I head to the castle where maybe I can right my wrongs.

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