5: Husband and Wife

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Princess Christia's POV

The bells in the old chapel were ringing, heralding my imminent future. The wedding gown I was wearing was old fashioned, the incredibly long train inhibiting my movements.

The woman I saw in the looking glass was not one I recognized. My once child-like face now appeared tired, my eyes that had once held the dream of happily ever after now held the sadness and compromise of reality.

"The cermony is ready to begin."

I looked up to find The King waiting to accompany me down the isle.

Seeing the faces of nobles I didn't recognize, and at the alter not my prince charming but Ivan made reality all to real.
I gulp down my nervousness,  walking with my head held high. I would not let all these people see what a frightened little girl I really was, I wasn't a little girl, and the fool I was marrying was certainly not scary.

Prince Ivan's POV

Her parents were unable to leave their kingdom in this time of turmoil, the unexpected actions of the creatures of the night.
And if she returned home unwed the hope of her ever finding a secure position in life were slim.

The princess took my breath away as she walked down the short isle of my childhood church, her head held with a regal strength as she put to shame all of our nobles reproving glances.

I did not realize she had reached the alter, nor that the priest had started talking when, "Will you?"
I was only confused for a moment, quickly regaining my composure. "I will." I had sealed my fate, for better or for worse time would only tell.

The King's POV

What a glorious day for a wedding, the sun shined brightly wishing the wedding luck.
I knew it would only take a little tact to marry my son, now I could rest in peace knowing my kingdom was in good hands.
They might thank me later, but a marriage in the books is better than any longing for love.

The musicians played a lively tune as the newly wedded couple danced across the floor, the sparks of anger in both their eyes making it an even more entertaining sight to see.

Princess Christia's POV

He smugly glinted a smile at me as he led me through an unrefined jig. That a prince would lower himself to this level of inferiority appalled my senses.
What was I to do? The entire court was staring at me, judging every move I made. He had me trapped now, but when I had him alone away from sizing eyes I'd have a thing or two to say on his choice of lifestyle.

Stepping on his feet for good measure, I had the satisfaction of seeing a dangerous glare form in his eyes.
His deep soul searching eyes that made me feel small in every way,  when he was the one lowering himself!

The harsh conditions grated on my sensibilities, but my well breeding would not let me show it.

In our own rooms, late that night I would that I told Ivan what I thought, but I was exhausted from his infernal dancing and barely had the energy for my servant to dress me for bed. Crawling underneath the covers of this large bed I drifted off to sleep.

Prince Ivan's POV

What was I to do? Christia had seemingly forgotten about me, leaving me standing there awkwardly as she controlled the bed.

"Married life might turn out interesting enough."  I thought as I slipped into dream world on the other side of the bed.

Princess Christia's POV

I woke up more rested than I had felt in years, sitting up to stretch and yawn I looked around an unfamiliar room.

"Where am I?" The place was large, with hardly any furniture but the giant soft bed I resided in, fear that I'd been captured again trickled it's way into my mind.
I started panicking, rocking myself back and forth in an effort to regain my calm.

Visions of the last time I was torn from my life flash across my mind, tears start streaming down my face.

Prince Ivan's POV

Someone was moving around on the bed, disrupting my sleep. I grudgingly opened my eyes as I sat up, wanting to go back to the best sleep I've had in the longest time.
I looked around to find Christia in tears, hugging her knees to her chest as she rocked back and forth.

I felt something akin to annoyance take place in my heart, but when I realized that something was truly traumatising her it quickly fled.

Her mind wasn't in the present, the fear and horror in her glassy eyes were not caused by anything I could change.

I gathered her in my arms, rocking her like a little baby as I whispered sweet nothings. "You're okay, I've got you, you're safe now,"

Slowly she came back to the present, realaxing as she layed her head on my chest, still crying softly.
"It was horrible, don't ever let another creature take me away, please." her soft pleading voice reached my ears as she as she fell back into sleep.
I silently promised, that no matter what, I would protect her.

How tired I was hit me and I layed back falling asleep as my head hit the pillow, my beautiful wife in my arms.

Princess Christia's POV

I slowly awoke, marveling at how comfortable this pillow was. I didn't want to get up, but I was sure the King would expect me to make an appearance to break our fast.

Sitting up and opening my eyes, I found Prince Ivan sleeping peacfully next to me. I was practically in his lap! "My husband."
The events of last night and this morning came back to me, I could feel a blush appear on my cheeks as embarrassment at my conduct washed over me. "He must think me a complete weeping woman." I wasn't, and I certainly would not let someone as inconsiderate as him ever see me in that kind of position again.
"Camping! It had to be unchaperoned camping!"  that was the only reason I was married to him, that was the only reason I was ever going to be married to him.

I would have to live with him, give him children. But that didn't mean I would ever love him, just because he was my husband and I his wife did not signify.


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