Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

I feel a lot better now, I've eaten and slept well, I feel a little more normal today.
I've felt better than I have in a long time.

I don't know why sleeping in the bed with Kellin helped me sleep, it was the only way I could get to sleep and I knew that.
He makes me feel safe.
I know he won't hurt me, even when I flinch at touching him or if his voice surprises me, I know he would never hurt me the way Craig did.

I felt safe in bed with him, of course he had a pretty big bed and we weren't touching, but just being that close with him helped me.
I think I've made a life long best friend, I'm excited to see where our friendship goes.

I know things will never be as easy as they were before Craig started to hurt me, but they can only get better from here, right?

Craig isn't here to hurt me anymore and I'm safe, I have new friends who really care about me.

I'm safe.
I'm okay.
I'm going to get better, my story doesn't end here.

I felt like crying looking at the boys in front of me that have already impacted my life so much.

"Okay, I know you have to go soon so you can get back home, but we have one more thing we want to discuss" Jack said as he noticed that Kellin and Alex were done talking about stuff that was too deep for him.

I sat up, giving them my full attention, Kellin tilted his head in a cute manner.

Alex and Jack smiled at each other, beaming.

I generally get nervous when anyone says they need to talk about something with me, it always makes me feel like the news is bad; but now I don't.
The two boys smiled before Alex started to talk.

"Vic, would you like to be one of our groomsmen?" He asked, making it sound like a tremendous honor.

It was an honor, it was amazing.
I felt like crying, I felt like crying because I'm happy.

I'm happy.
I'm so happy.

I couldn't stop myself from crying now, I felt the tears rush to my eyes and all I could do was make sure it didn't end in a gross sob.

Alex looked to Jack with a nervous expression like 'what did I do wrong? Is this supposed to happen?'

Kellin looked at me with a worried expression.

"I-I would love to" I cried, watching Alex's nervous expression melt into a smile.

Both Alex and Jack got up and attacked me in a hug, pushing Kellin into me with them.

It's been so long since I've felt so much love.

This is where I want to be forever.


"What?" I asked, surprised at what Kellin just told me.

"I just called the repairman, but he said it'll be about two hours because he's fixing up someone else right now" Kellin sighed "shit"

"What's wrong with it?" I asked, hoping he wasn't too angry.

"Just something with the engine, something I can't fix" Kellin said, closing the door and leaning his head on the seat.
"Where even are we?" He said after a few minutes, looking around.
A sudden realization crossed his face.
"My birth Mom took me here before, there used to be a part down there in the woods that was cleared for a playground or something but they never actually put it together. She took me down there to just get away one day" Kellin looked somewhat sad but at the same time he looked like he had an idea.

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