Chapter 1.

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It was a warm afternoon in LA. Sweat formed glistening beads on my forehead as I walked down the street to the house that was going to be my home for the next year. A year that will probably change my life and educate me. I had left my safe place at home, and said hello to uncertainty, driving at age 16 and the right to bear arms. Not literal arms. But the gun kind of arms. I once saw a documentary about it at home in Denmark. Apparently you can go to a bank in America and just get one if you make an account in the so mentioned bank. Of course they have to make sure you're not a psychopath, with the help of a piece of paper. I was ready to conquer America.

First of all the houses were bigger and greater. prefferebly white and in two floors. The lawn was a bit on the dry side as it was summer, and it was indeed extremely hot. I looked down at myself. I didn't feel like I was dressed for the occasion to enter such a big house. My vans were old and worn out, and so were the dark grey sweatpants I was wearing. It wasn't everyday you had to fly I don't know how many hours to another country. And sitting in a plane that long, won't work out well if you're wearing skinny jeans. It's kind of like walking outside in the heat with a pair of leather pants on. Extremely uncomfortable and unnecessary.

Someone lightly pushed me forward as I was paralyzed by the gate to the house. it was my new 'mother', Abigail. Her and her husband Steve had picked me up from the airport. Her daughter Ava aged 17, and son Jack aged 18 couldn't be there as school had already started. There had been some trouble with the exchange student program and they had to start over, meaning me being a bit late. "Come on darling, you don't have to be scared". I smiled a nervous smile as I told myself to pull it together.

The inside was just as great as the outside. The only thing I would have to get used to was the sound of the aircondition humming from above me. In Denmark we only had aircondition in the cars. "I'll show you to your room. Luckily we had a spare room just for you. I've spent all day cleaning it". I nodded as she led me up the stairs to the first floor. there were 3 rooms plus a bathroom. Abigail told me her and Steve slept downstairs with their dog Jake. She also told me that they named their dog Jake as Jack thought it would be cool that they had matching names. Jake was a ten year old golden retriever and was a very wise dog. he would pick up the newspaper every morning, and was very good at entertaining himself with playing catch with his tail.

Abigail had left the room after a couple of minutes so I could pack out what I had. It wasn't much though. My mom had been certain that I'd buy things here so I could only pack the most important things. As in important I mean my Alex Gaskarth poster, my vinyls and my CD's. Those were my most precious belongings. And well, then of course clothes and school supplies. All the boring things I had to pack. I even forgot my toothbrush. I sat down on the bed that was half a size smaller than my bed at home. The room was kind of small but looked really comfortable. The floor was a light brown wooden floor and the walls had a lighter blue color to it. I had a window out to the street at the front of the house and a desk amongst a nightstand, a wardrobe and a shelf. It was just as I had expected it to be. Pulling my hair up in a bun I changed into a pair of shorts and a black tanktop, placed my green suitcase on my bed and unzipped it. The first thing I unpacked were my vinyl's as I had to make sure they were okay. If not I'd probably start crying. I had been collecting them for 2 years since I was 14. It was harder getting vinyl's nowadays since they don't just randomly sell them in stores now, and they're 10 times more expensive compared to when they were popular. I placed them securely on the shelf along with my CD's. The poster had to be put up some other time when I find out how I'm supposed to hang it on the wall and where. Packing my other belongings were easier. Clothes? the wardrobe, school stuff? desk, along with my computer. I had also brought a blanket to remind me of my bed at home and some sheets. My mom had packed those just to be sure that I had some good material to sleep in. My mom was very fuzzy about something like this. Everything from Sheets, to soap and towels. I sat down on my now made bed and opened my computer, placing it in-between my legs. Opening up skype I call my friend Mike from back home. I'd known him since we were in kindergarten and played with dolls together. He was my best friend. His hair was golden brown but he always hid it with stupid caps. He mostly wore shirts that I bought for him on holidays since apparently his mom does all the shopping for him. "Hey Maya!", he greeted me as his face showed up on the screen. He was wearing headphones and was tapping away on his computer, probably playing some game. I smiled at him knowing he'd always pick up no matter how late it was since he spent most of his life online. "Hi Mike". I told him about everything that had happened so far and what was going to happen. He didn't start his new education until a week later. He wanted to become an electrician. "So what classes are you taking?", he asked, mid yelling some profanities to some other guy he was playing with. I had gotten used to it with time, but being in a group chat with 5 other guys exactly like that, can be too much for one person to handle. "Just the usual, but they added art to my schedule". I groaned thinking of taking maths. Maths in Danish was hard enough, but maths in English? I can't remember all the words for that. "Oh that's cool". Before I got to answer I heard the door down stairs open and 2 sets of feet enter. "I have to greet some more family members now. I'll talk to you tomorrow?".

After I had finished up my conversation with Mike, I slowly walked down the stairs nervous to meet Ava and Jack. I always did a better job of making parents like me. I stopped at the end of the stairs and listened to what Abigail told her children. "Now kids go a little easy on her, this is her first time in the US. We have to welcome her properly". "Is she already here?", a girl with a light voice said. It was high pitched, but not enough that you get annoyed by it. Her voice was calming for some reason. I'm guessing that's Ava. "Yes, she's upstairs in her room". The minute she said that a blonde tall girl appeared in front of me with big green eyes and a pearly white smile. She was like a model. Her hair was loose and straight and she was wearing a white summer dress and some white flats. "Oh my god HI", she yelled already pulling me into a hug. She was definitely a happy spirit. The next hi I got was deeper and more unwelcome. It was from Ava's brother Jack. Jack had jet black hair and eyes to die for. They were bright blue and deep like the ocean. He didn't smile nor hug me. He kind of just pushed past me on the stairs. After looking back at him he disappeared and I heard a door upstairs close shut. "Don't worry about him. He's just in a bad mood because his girlfriend broke up with him", she muttered but still managed to sound cheerful. I'm guessing she didn't like his former girlfriend. After convincing me that he was not as grumpy as he was today, she dragged me up towards her room. I had imagined pink everywhere and fluffy animals but it was surprisingly nice. She had the same floor, but white walls, and the same size bed as me, though her room was a bit bigger. It was decorated with fairy lights and blankets making it look very tumblr. She had made a big effort to decorate this room. It kind of reminded me of my room back at home except hers had a more comfy look whereof mine was more modern and simple.

"So tell me about yourself Maya", Ava said crossing her legs on the bed. What was there to tell about me? Or what could I tell that didn't make me seem boring? "Obviously I love traveling. Ehm, my favorite subject in school is English and I love music and art. I love animals and I love a good game of GTA". Well that just made me sound like a nerd. "Oh that's so cool! I love all that stuff!". My eyes widened at her extremely excited tone. Maybe we're more alike than I thought? She didn't look like someone who'd play GTA but I guess you can never judge a book by it's cover.

We spent the whole night talking about favorite movies, songs, stores to shop in, restaurants, and she ended up telling me at bit about the high school I was going to attend. For what I've heard it's pretty different from the schools in Denmark. Plus there were sports you attended like american football and cheerleading. I only think cheerleading is a small hobby somewhere in Denmark. the only real sport you have is football, or as you say in America: soccer.



Since I've started on my new school, I've heard so many amazing people exchanging their stories of how they've been traveling and experiencing the world. It really inspired me, and I decided to start a story, though still with my usual love of alternative and rock music. It will just be with my own made up characters with their own looks and own personalities!  

I'm not sure if it will stay up, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd give your opinions? I wanted to try something new and I wanted to hear if anyone found it just as interesting as me :) And If people are interested I'll maybe post a bit more? Give me your honest opinion <3 

I hope you enjoy it! 

-Anna xxx 

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