After Angela spoke, we walked on on silence. Men and women of all ages were giving us lecherous or jeering looks as we walked. Angela walked on with her head held high in her tight black shorts, white off the shoulder shirt, and knee-high heeled boots. Her red lips were pursed in a flirtacious smirk as her dirty-blond her bounced when she walked.

Angela...was very beautiful. The other girls were beautiful also, but they all had nasty attitudes. I looked down as I walked, avoiding all the stares at us. Noticing my discomfort, Angela threw her arm around my shoulder and smiled at me. I gave her a small smile back. Soon, we were at her apartment building. Once inside the building, we entered her studio apartment.

(For all those that don't know! A studio apartment is in an apartment building, but once inside the room, there is only one floor. The livingroom will be joined with the kitchen, as well as the bedroom. There's only two closet doors, and a door to the bathroom. Hmm...i hope I explained it well! Look it up if yout curious, or I put a pictute up :D.)

I walked in the room and sat on her couch. Angela took her boots off, and walked barefoot.

"God, those shoes were killing me!" Angela complained.

"But Rick gave them to you didn't he? You had no choice but to wear them," I reasoned.

"You're right about that. Rick probably would've been angry if I didn't. Besides, he's paying for my place to lessen my troubles, so I at least owe him that."

I nodded my head, and Angela went inside her fridge. "I have some water, a bag of chips, eggs, and cookies. Although, in the cupboard I may have some cup in noodles. Yeah, let's go with that!"

"Thank you Angela," I told her.

"Huh? Why are you thanking me?" She questioned, and looked at me. "Oi, Lily? Are you crying?"

I wiped my face, just as I heard Angela rush over to me. "I-I'm fine," I sputtered.

"Lily, you are not fine!"

"I...I just don't understand," I spoke while the tears rolled down my face. "You're being so helpful to me when you don't have to. I mean, I clearly don't belong."

Angela listened to me in silence as I spoke. Angela went to her sink, and I hear her turn the water on. Momentarily, she came back with a wet rag. She began to wipe my face gently.

"What a fucked up thought to be worrying over. Is it so wrong to want to help you? To have this want to care for you?"

I sniffled as she wiped my face. Angela continued to speak. "Lily, you know you're the youngest in the business right?"

I nodded my head.

"For whatever reason you're here, a 20 year old shouldn't be in this business. You should be in school. For whatever reason, you're here. When you first appeared on the streets, no one expected you. Not only that, you were different from us. You were young, terrified, and screamed virgin."

I blushed when she said that. Angela smiled at me and threw the rag onto the countertop, she sat by me.

"Was..was different a good thing?" I asked.

She brushed my blue hair that covered a part of my face behind my ear. "Different as in unexpected. You aren't the type of girls Rick would agree to in the business."

Of course I wasn't... Rick's girls were flirty, daring, and stunning. Not to mention their outer appearances were the same. Blonde-haired with big breasts and a die-hard-for-body.

(Note: Please no take offense to what I said D'X!! The guys at my old school always preferred this type of girl Q.Q. They crushed so many pretty girls hearts XD)

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