three ; the patronus

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Swiftly, he made his way to their side of the table. He held his hand out, looking expectantly at Darcy to hand the parchment she just wrote on. She did, begrudgingly.

"'I've not heard much about him, but I am his niece.'" Snape read aloud. This caused the room to burst out in whispers. "Settle down, class. I'm sure you all will now know what will happen when you pass pathetic notes."

Darcy and Roland both blush, and turn heatedly back to their potions. Under his breath, Roland mutters the ingredients, and often asks for Darcy to fetch him something. She does so, since there was no point in speaking to each other.

Sometimes Darcy would look around the class to see where everyone was at. Though, she stopped when her eyes met with the green eyes that almost knew so much about her. She blushed, and turned back to Roland, who was passing her a green liquid.

When the class was done, she and Roland said their good-byes. After a while of doing homework, Darcy  made her way to the Great Hall. There, the four tables of the houses were. Suddenly, Darcy got a little panicky as where to sit at the Slytherin table. It was almost a anxiety attack, since at Ilvermorny Darcy had few mutuals. Why couldn't she just skip?

Thankfully, though she didn't know who the people were at first, a boy with white blonde hair had shouted at her. "Black! Sit with us!"

She was taken aback, since he was surrounded by a maul of people that were looking at her. With heavy feet, she made her way to the anonymous people and sat down across from the blonde boy.

There was a girl with pig-like features and brown straight hair that sat next to the blonde boy. Then, on his right, there were two buff and pudgy boys that strikingly looked the same. Next to Darcy, there was a boy with dark skin whose torso seemed to loom over the table. Her side of the table was facing the entirety of the hall.

Darcy gave the blonde boy a grateful look. 

"So, Black, I've heard that you couldn't talk," said the blonde boy. "Seems pretty odd for such a noble name like yours."

Darcy gave him a confused look. 

"Well, my mum was a Black," said the blonde boy, his face smug with a sort of superiority. "Purest blood that could date back to centuries."

At that, it dawned on Darcy the situation and people she just got mixed into. She pulled out a piece of parchment and wrote to the boy: What's your name? 

"Draco Malfoy," he smugly said. "What school did you go to?"

Her relaxed posture now turned stiff. Ilvermorny in North America. My mum got a job, here at Hogwarts.

The pug-like girl was the first to speak up. "That mock-up of Hogwarts?"

"Thank god you made it here! I heard that there were no pure-blood families over in North America!" said the tallest of the pudgy boys. "They all accept muggle-wizard relationships!"

Darcy's eyes widened. I don't see the problem with that...

"Oh no!" The dark-skinned boy said. "They've already gotten to her!" he laughed dryly.

Darcy glared at the the boy and began to sit up from her seat. She wished she could yell at them. But, alas, her silence perceived her as a calm and visible target.

"Where are you going? Running off to that muggle-loving mum of yours?" Malfoy taunted as she walked away.

Her eyes stung a little, feeling embarrassed that she couldn't stand up for herself--that this horrid mute mouth of hers can't speak. She quickly walked out of the hall, already feeling the other Slytherin's eyes on her back. 

SILENT [1] || HARRY POTTER ⚡️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora