Chapter 3

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Christa squealed with glee as I ran along the beaten track. I didn’t want to go off into the woods in case something happened. But the path was good enough for me. I ducked and dodged low branches and did little jumps over tree roots. I pushed myself to go faster and Christa held tighter. The wind was so cool against my face, and I could barely see through it, but I didn’t care. I had never felt so free. Suddenly, the path opened up and there was a clearing in the woods. I immediately slowed down and walked to the centre of it. Christ slid off me and just lay in the long grass, still giggling and breathing hard. I moved to her side and lay beside her. She couldn’t stop smiling and I sighed with happiness. I liked seeing her like this.

“That was amazing!” she yelled. She rolled over and looked at me. She started stroking my head and I moaned with pleasure. It has been so long since anyone has done that. I moved my head into her touch and when she started to scratch, both me and my wolf shuddered with pleasure and my foot went crazy. Christa was laughing, and she used both hands, sending me into a frenzy of frantic feet as she tickled and stroked me. I ended up on my side with her lying on top of me. We were both still and silent, just taking in how quiet it was.

“Your wolf is beautiful. You know that right?” I gave her a pleasing look. People have told me that before, but I’d never believed them. But when Christa said it, I almost believed it. Almost. I sighed and closed my eyes a little. Christa was gently stroking me now. Her touch was soft and caring. She suddenly stopped and looked up, and squealed again. I bolted up right, almost flinging her off me. I looked up. I hadn’t realised the sky had gotten darker. But it wasn’t night time. It was snowing. Christa was running around, her mouth open and head to the sky. I just lay there and watched her. The snow started to fall harder, but none of it was sticking to the ground. It was too warm for that. I was just getting soaked rather than covered in snow. Christa was laughing and spinning around. Eventually I stood up and walked over to her. She knew what I meant. She climbed on my back without a fuss or a single protest and I started heading back towards the house again. As we drew closer, I started thinking. I couldn’t leave Christa. There was something about her. Something that I was drawn to. What it was, I had no idea. But my wolf felt it to. There was a bond here. And a wolf should never ignore a bond. Even an inexplicable one like this.

When I finally stopped, Vincent was outside collecting logs from the pile outside. He smiled at us as I started to slow down.

“Did you two enjoy yourselves?” he asked over the wind. Christa bounded off and ran to him.

“It was amazing. She’s so fast and strong and caring and look at her wolf, she’s so beautiful and kind. I think she’s leaving soon but I really don’t want her to. Can you make her stay Mr Vincent.” I don’t think he understood much of what she was talking about, but I just shook my head a little, walking slowly up to them. Vincent looked at me and smiled again.

“Good to see you heal fast. I was worried about those ribs of yours.” He turned and headed back inside, but came out again holding a massive coat, and placed it on the ground in front of me. He smiled again, and guided Christa back inside. I was thankful for the privacy. Changing back was a tricky business. Sometimes, I had clothes, but most of the time it got rather embarrassing. I closed my eyes and breathed a little before shifting back. My wolf was keen to stay out for a little longer, but I knew that they wanted me to go inside now. The snow was falling thick and fast, and I didn’t want them to worry too much. They might think I had left. As I changed back, I tried to stay crouched. My skin was burning when I opened my eyes, as it always did. Every werewolf is different when they change back. For me, my skin is hot and itchy and uncomfortable. I reached for the coat and shrugged it on. It was a good size for this sort of thing. It must have been Philippa’s. I walked into the now stifling house and went upstairs quickly. No one was downstairs, but I didn’t want to run into any one. But that didn’t go to plan. As I reached the top of the stairs, I saw feet waiting for me. I looked up and there was Roger. I didn’t like the way he was looking at me.

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