Why did the chicken cross the road

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Is a sad story but it does answer the question why the chicken crossed the road. Actually  it was not use the one chicken, really there was two.
   There were two chickens named Joe and Tom ( actual names are not use to protect the identity of the chickens). The two chickens were best friends and lived on a farm together with some ducks and some other farm animals.
  A long drive way lead up to a road. The road was only really busy when the sun was at its   highest and a little be fore it got dark, usually around the time the farmer came and fed the birds.
  The ducks and the chickens never really got along. But where always daring each other to try to get the other in trouble. Usually nothing bad happened but, once the ducks dared the chicken to cross the road. The is not the answer to question because there is more to the story.
   Joe accepted the bet, but the ducks said if he crossed the road when the sun was at its highest, the chickens would get half of the ducks feed. Tom talked to
  Joe before they went to their nest for the night and said," Are you  sure about this? You are going to have to cross the road when it is at its busiest."

"I know,  but I think I can do it. I'll just wait until there is a big gap between cars." Tom answered.So the two chickens went to bed so Tom would be well rested for the next day.


The next day when the sun was at its highest, the ducks and the chickens gathered by the edge of the road to watch Tom cross the road.
"Are you sure you want to do this, you could probably  back out."Joe told Tom.

"No, I can do this. All I have to do is cross the road." Tom assured Joe.

Joe accepted the answer and when there was a gap in the cars Tom ran for it. But when he was half way across  the road, his foot got stuck.

Every one yelled at Tom to get his foot free.  But as Tom got his foot free a truck came around the corner heading right towards him. Tom was able to run a few steps but was to slow to get out of the way of the truck.

The farmer found Tom the next day still on the road. Joe was furious with the ducks, Tom, and himself. The ducks for making the stupid bet, Tom for accepting the bet, and himself for letting Tom accept the bet.
  Feeding time came and the chickens did not have their part of the ducks food from the bet. This helped Joe make up his mind about what was going to do about Tom's death. He told every one to go meet at the road at sun high to remember Tom, but hope had more to the plan then just remembrance.
   At sun high everyone gathered by the road, and Joe took charge of speaking for Tom. He shared the good times he had with Tom and some other gets they had won that they both had enjoyed. Some other chickens shared some stories too along with some ducks, a few turkeys and a donkey.
   After they had a moment of silence Joe assessed the ducks," We did not have our share of your food today."

"Tom didn't complete the bet and didn't cross the road a duck replied.
There was a mummer through the crowd of animals, most agreeing that the ducks owed the chickens at least something.

Joe did not argue but said," Because Tom was unable to win your bet for us, I will accept the bet in his place, so that he did not die for absolutely nothing." And with that Joe turned around and sprinted toward the road.                  
    He had no problem avoiding the gum Tom had got stuck in.  And just as he crossed the road, a car came rushing part nearly hitting Joe. Joe reached the other side of the road safely and the other animals cheered.
     So in the end the chicken didn't cross the road to get to the other side, but to avenge the death of a friend because of a silly and thoughtless bet.

Don't forget to ask questions or this book will not continue. I can't know all of the questions you want to know the answer to.

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