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Sorry for mistakes k beginnn...

Anti:OK just hurry
Dark:what if we go to the beach it's less than 10 minutes away from us?
Anti:that's a great idea but can we you know go on the sun
Dark:yeah we can now go up and take your bikini (idk how's male's bikini called sry) and towel

They got up and took their towels and bikinis they put them on

Dark:are you okay....
Anti:y-yeah..let's go

Dark took his headphones and sunglasses

Anti took his sunglasses and bag with his and darks towels

They grabbed each others hands and got on the way

10 minutes later

They arrived to the beach it was full of people

Dark:*took his sunglasses off* ugh I hate people!
Anti:*laughs* let's go

They found a place where they can put their towels

Anti:oh no there's Alex
Dark:just don't look at her
Anti:too late here she comes
Dark:are you scared of her
Anti:pff no...

Alex:hey gays I mean guys
Dark:what do you want
Alex:just to show you my boys
Dark:OK great now bye
Alex:mean hoe
Dark:*stands up in madness* how did you call me bitch! Dont make me kill you!
Anti:okay keep calm...*whispers* there are people
Alex:*walks away*
Dark:next time I will throw this fucking rock at her!
Anti:okay keep calm *kisses his cheek and lays on the towel*
Dark:don't fall asleep
Anti:I will try
Dark:there take my phone and glasses I'm going into water

Anti:damn I'm so bored

20 minutes later

Dark:hey why don't you come to water? 
Anti:I don't know
Dark:can you bring me the towel
Anti:did you take the sun cream? Dark:no I don't need it it's fine..also come and play with me
Dark:*sits on the towel* why not! Anti:I'm scared of water....
Dark:what that can't be true
Anti:well it is
Dark:come on don't be scared while I'm there I will hold your hand whole time I swear

Anti grabbed darks hand

Dark:come on

They were close to get into water

Anti:it looks so deep....
Dark:remember your with me!
Anti:you know what I'm blaming you here like I'm scared as fuck and I'm killing your reputation maybe Alex was right I don't deserve you *looks down and slowly walkes away*
Dark:*grabs antis wrist* don't talk shit first reputation *laughs* and second come on also you know I don't give a shit what people are saying about me!
Anti:OK I will do it!

Than one random girl walks into dark

Random girl:wow your so muscular!
Dark:*whispers to Anti* kill me
Girls mom:Suzie come on don't bother people.I'm sorry about that

Dark just gave her straight look

Anti:that kid was right *laughs*
Dark:*laughs*yeah now got into the water
Anti:OK let's go

*Anti hit him with his elbow*
Anti:that was weird..
Anti:let's just sit here and watch the sunset

They put their feets on the sand in water while they were watching the sunset

Anti:*place his head on darks shoulder*
Dark:*hugs him*

After few seconds later they got their stuff back and walked back home

Dark:I have sand in my underwear it feels so weird

They arrived home

Dark:I'm going to take a shower
Anti:I need to take my plugs off and my makeup off
Dark:babe you forgot your not wearing any makeup
Anti:oh yeah I totally forgot than I'm going to sleep.

Next day

Anti was about to go in bathroom but Dark was actually in

Knock knock

Anti:can I come in

He unlocked the door and let Anti in

Anti:I looked so ugly yesterday
without makeup I saw the picture with fan yesterday
Dark:i saw it too you looked so pretty
Dark:don't make me mad!
Anti:I'm ugly
Dark: if your ugly who would do this than *kisses him and bite his lips a bit*
Anti:nobody besides you
Dark:what do you want more
Dark:than shut up!  And bring me towel because I forgot it please
Anti:ugh fine

He took a towel and bring it to Dark


Anti took his toothbrush and brush his teeth

Dark:*sings in shower*
Anti:"he sings so sexy" babe did you saw my eyeliner
Dark:*sings* Anti wears makeup, Anti wears makeup...
Anti:so funny *opens the shelf* there it is...*Anti took it and put it on*
Dark:*sings* Anti wears makeup
Anti:shut up!

Goodnight xD and sorry for short chapter I'm so damn tired
Bye for nowwwwwwwww

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