Lavashipping fluff :3

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Kai:Cole, c'mon. We lost a battle not the war.

Cole:... We almost lost a brother... Because of me... It's all my fault...

Kai:No it's not and you know that!

Cole:Yes it is! It's my fault, and nothing you say is gonna change that Kai! I f**ked up and almost got Zane killed! And what would we do without him? We can't just forget about him... If he died we would've had to leave him there. .. He would have been gone...

Kai: But look, mistakes happen, and zane is going to be fine. He's going to forgive you for-

Cole: For leaving him to stop lord garmadon? Not to mention I failed. If I had stayed by him those guys never would have overpowered him...I'm just... useless

Kai:No your not!

Cole:Tell me Kai, what's a leader who can't make decisions? Useless.

Kai*hugs cole*Your not useless... Your our brother.. You need to stop treating yourself like this...

Cole:Kai... What are you doing? Are you crying?

Kai:*so totally crying**hugs tighter* I just... Hate to see you so down like this.

Cole:... *hugs back*

Kai:Cole... I...

Cole: ?

Kai:* randomly kisses Cole out of nowhere*

Cole:*shocked* *kisses back*

Kai:*pulls away* uhh, s-sorry... I didn't mean to-

Cole: no it's umm. It's ok...

Kai:yeah, anyway I... I hope you take what I said seriously and... Uhh, bye... *leaves blushing*

Cole:*his whole freakin face is red now*

Kai:* thinking* I'm such an idiot! Why couldn't I just say I like him! GAAAHH I HATE MEEE...

That night Cole was left to himself. Thinking about the mistake he made and how he wouldn't let it happen again. But not the thing with Zane, no he was over that. He was busy thinking about how he needed to tell Kai about how he felt. He was sick of keeping it a secret.

After the certain events that occurred last night Cole was sure of one thing and one thing only. "I need to tell him." He thought as he walked down the hall towards the living room in the bounty. Everyone else was already up and messing around in the living room. "Never in a million years could Link beat mega man!" Jay announced. "Um what's going on?" Cole asked. Nya looked over at him and gave him a shrug in reply. "I don't know. Nerd stuff." That made sense. All Lloyd and jay ever talked about was nerd stuff. "So um, Kai-" Cole started. "Can I talk to you for a sec?""Oh sure." Kai answered and stood up from where he was sitting. He followed Cole to the deck of the bounty. Cole leaned on the railings that surrounded the sides of the deck and stared down at the skies. The white clouds blew slowly across the clear blue sky."So Kai, I have to tell you something."Cole said."Shoot." Cole could feel his hands shaking and he knew Kai could see them trembling as well. He felt cold all over but his face was a burning red." Kai I-" He sighed. There was nothing he could do now. There was no turning back. "Kai, I like you. I really like you and I know that you'll never like me back but-" He was cut off by Kai yet again. The red ninja wrapped his arms around the older ninjas body and kissed him. And that was just the first day of their relationship. Cole didn't refuse the kiss then, and even after three whole years of dating he accepted every hint of affection Kai showed towards him. After all, he never saw reason to do otherwise.

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