Pretty girl Jane ( Jane the killer story)

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" Okay girl's if the bottle lands on you , you have to do the Jane the killer thing " Sofia said

All i can do is hope it doesn't land on me , the bottle spin and spins and

"ugggg really no fair " i yell.

" hey the game is the game right" Keke said

So i go in the bath room , turn off the lights and say " jane , jane , jane " nothing happened then i here a voice that said " coming in 3 , 2,1" I was pulled back in to a door . By hands that had black nail polish on with glitter , i knew it was a girl, as a scream she covers my mouth and shows me a knife . That was a sign to shut up , She toss me on the floor that looks like Sofia's kitchen and they was just a Corner away . The girl turned the Corner and all i here is screaming and the sound of feet running a blood all of my friends was dead Sofia , Keke ,Romian , and Tag . The girl then pulled me , by a rope pass the Corner , I saw everyone just dead blood every where.

The girl then looked at me and saw my tear's and kicked me for crying .

" there not friends " she said " they was talking about you the other day saying how ugly you are ".

I couldn't really believe it so i didn't , back into the bathroom we went , where a black hole formed . She first threw me in then jumped in her self.

We .. wait i mean i plopped on the floor , she landed like a butterfly -_-. So she pulls me again . I got the piece of what ever she put on my mouth off with my teeth and got the word's out " who are you and where are we going".

" the name is Jane and , we are in the under world , were all killer's live. Nice place right,?" she looks at me still walking.

" yeah what ever what do you want with me ?" i ask and started to cry " you the dumb one, to say my name three times . so i took you and killed your friend " she smiles

" THAT'S NOT FUNNY" i yell. " Do you want to die?" Jane whipped out the knife.

" no i'm fine " i shut up the rest of the way i see lots of the Creepypasta's just to know that they are real. They all look at me , i also see Freddy krueger , pin head , ghost face , scream and more.

I almost pissed in my pant's. So later we got to her place it was nice, but everything was black. " see this is why you don't say ' jane , jane , jane , like you don't say bloody marry three times".

"well sorry " i whipped my eyes " i didn't know you was real "

" who does that's the point your lucky i didn't kill you " she moves the hoodie she had on, she is very pretty for a killer.
" do you know Marry or Sally" ? I shiver a Little as she cuts the rope off of me.

" Hell yeah Marry is my best friend and Sally .. the slut stole my boy friend"she rolls her eyes

" which was"...

" Jeff .. you know the killer , we just friends now he said sorry" she whipped he eyes

" oh i would have killed her" i told her

" oh don't worry i did but she came back to life , i burned her, like threw oil on her, lit her on fire , let her blow up good times i liked seeing her burn" she goes to a pizza box and gets us some .

"oh are you in a relay now? " i didn't really want to ask but i did , wow she is cold to do that to poor Sally.

" yeah with eyeless Jack , it's funny because they are both have J'S but he cute even with out eyes" give me the pizza .

" oh ... well are you going to let me go " i had to ask that i want to leave to creepy.

: "ha no i can't you would tell people we are real" she says chewing at the same time.

"WHAT YOU CAN'T KEEP ME HERE" i was very mad.

" yes i can , boo boo you can be a killer , or stay here all your life , don't worry you will nevr die o you don't go to hell I'm going to call Marry" she turn's on the tv and the cops are at Sofia's house trying to find out what happened there.

Later Marry came in the door and smiled when she saw me . :O really? is all i can think

" who dat ," she asked

Jane looked at me " she said ' Jane .jane , jane so i came came came"

" do you know her name ?" Marry sat on the floor face to face with me.

" it's Maraln" i tell her.

Bloody Marry is also pretty she looks like lady Gaga

" you look like lady Gaga " i couldn't keep it it " you are pretty "

" oh why thank you i killed her because she mocked me soooo . i have her face as a mask but this is my real face" she looked at my phone and threw it" no phones honey they don't work down here"

" oh didn't no" my phone ,my bute phone cracked :'(

Jane jumps in " so how is Sleddy"

" oh we was fighting the other day because of creepstagram , he wanna like pic of souls but we still together" she reply's


" oh that" Jane said

"Go to forever after high or monster high" Marry points out the window.

" okay then i'm going tomorrow to monster high"

" not like that " Marry looks me up and down .

" you have to look like a monster or killer " Jane goes to get me cloths .

Marry picks up some earth and smokes it ." your going to live here , now but there are alot of cutie's out here just watch out they bite . "

"i will remember " Jane came back and gave me some cloths they fit perfectly . she just threw blood on it , and it wasn't fake .

" bute honey boo , boo bute " Marry said being a bird

" yeah it is girl " jane said" thx " so this is how i'm going to live my life? As a killer? I am here for ever i guess i have to just get over it. Jane left to go put me in the school i get up and tour her house . It was scary , i don't want to kill , tho.

I then went in her things and saw a pic of her (jane) and jeff to get her , then saw on one of her and jack . Sally should have never did that but it's life .. as a killer.


pretty girl Jane ( Jane the killer story) [ COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now