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"Who do you think the villains are going to be? The children of Ursula? Scar? Or maybe the Queen of Hearts?" Rebecca questioned. Out of all of the students at Auradon Prep. she's probably the only one who's actually really interested in the villain kids. I mean, I also have some questions about the villains myself, but I keep my curiosity inside myself. Rebecca however, seems to ask any question that pops into her head. I have to admire that about her. Every one else hated this idea, but none of them seemed to be curious like Rebecca. Maybe she's so interested in this because her father was a former thief before he met her mother.

The two of us were on our way to 'History of Woodsmen and Pirates'. A class that the two of us will be in together. Yesterday Rebecca told me that she was hoping that the teacher, who we haven't met yet, would discuss Captain Hook because he was one of the most famous pirates. I didn't want to dampen the girls spirit by informing her that we won't be studying the crook considering he is a villain not a hero. Anyways the class didn't start for another 15 minutes or so but I like being in class early, and Rebecca was also that type of person. Well she was trying to be cause last year she always ended up coming late for her classes.

Tomorrow was the big day where the villain kids would finally arrive. It may seem too soon but yesterday we were given some time in class to find out what we were going to do. Rebecca is a part of the school's welcoming committee. I had discovered it this morning when I saw a little sticky note on her planner saying 'welcoming committee meeting at 2:30'. When I asked her about it, it gave me another reason why she would be so interested in the villain kids. She would be helping Ben give them the tour of the school. I had made my final decision and decided to help Doug with the band. Making sure everyone was prepared and ready for tomorrow.

"Do you think I should bring some cookies or treats for them? Do villains even eat treats?" Rebecca questioned. I shrugged.  "I wouldn't worry about it. Chad told me that Ben was going to fill their limo up with almost every candy imaginable." I informed her. Rebecca smiled and nodded. "Good. So I don't have to stress about that," Rebecca said, with a soft chuckle. I gave her a smile. Rebecca reminded me a lot of what my grandfather was like (Prince Charming's father if you didn't know). He was kind and tried his best to think of others before himself. He also had the spirit of a little kid which Rebecca also seemed to have.

"Another question. Do you think that the villain kids are actually bad people?" Rebecca questioned. That smile made me stop walking, as I slowly turned to face her. The question reminded me of the conversation I had with Chad yesterday. When I told him that the children of the Isle of the Lost were innocent until proven guilty. Yesterday I felt strong about my thoughts towards them. But now the more I think about it, I have no idea.

"I don't know, Rebecca. I hope that they're not. But we have to be prepared for the worse. For all we know, the villain kids could be just as rotten as their parents are." I told her. Rebecca looked at me as a surprised expression slowly took over her. "You sound a lot like Chad. I asked him about his thoughts on the VK's the other day. He basically said what you just said. Except he seemed for sure that they were going to be rotten," Rebecca told me.

We were standing outside of our class when the warning bell rang. Rebecca walked into the classroom, as I stood in the hallway. Rebecca's question floating around in my head.

Are the VK's actually bad, evil, rotten people? or innocent kids just like us?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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