Chapter 1: The begining

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"How long until we get there I'm getting tired"Zane said in a sleepy voice while crossing his arms"Mmm... about thirty minutes or so but I guess we could take a break for now, what do you think Garroth?"Vylad said adjusting his backpack and turning towards me for confirmation.                "Yeah sure but let just make it quick you know we can't stay in one place for long" I said cautiously but giving them an approving nod"Yeah... um well I'm gonna go up ahead an check the perimeter for anything suspicious or bad, I'll call you if I see anything"Vylad said smiling and flying up ahead.I waited a few minutes until Vylad was gone until I could to talk to Zane"Anyway are you excited Zane, our very first trip to Orlando"I said giving him a nuge on the sholder then  giving probably the most happiest smile I've ever given in my life,"Well its okay... I guess but we're here for a reason and that reason is to look for mom"Zane said crossing his arms doing a little pout"Yeah but we might as well enjoy our time while we're there,I mean wouldn't our  mom want us to have at least a little fun once in a while"I said shrugging in a awkward way while doing a weak smile"And plus there's a Disney land at Orlando"I said smiling in a sly way."I guess and can't be too~ bad if there's a Disney land"He said in an unsure tone"YAY! that's the spirit brother"I say slinging my arm around his neck in a small hug.

"GUYS I FOUND A SPOT WE COULD REST IN!"Vylad said yelling across from us"OK COMING" Me and Zane say in union as we start heading over to Vylad "Race ya!" Zane says already starting to jump ahead"Your ON!"I reply.Zane was already gaining into the lead until I decided to swoop below him like he'll never see it coming"Hey! you can't do that!"he said with a confused look on his face"Ha who says I couldn't "I say with a sly smile as I rush over to Vylad who was currently flying in place trying to figure out what me and Zane was doing I stoped where Vylad was at and said"I WIN!" yelling and putting my arms up in victory,I can hear Zane mumble the words "No fair" under his breath as he crosses his arms."what are guys doing"Vylad asks"We were racing, and not to mention I Won"I said pointing my thumbs to me. Vylad just rolls his eyes and sighs "Well I found a place where we could bunker down" "Where?" I ask "follow me"he says motioning me and Zane to follow"There"Vylad says pointing at a old abandon camping site"Hm... not bad, it could be better but not bad"Zane says while nodding in amusement.We all descend to the ground  putting away our wings"Hey Garroth, Zane and I will be right next to that SUV over there try to look for some firewood to and also if you get lost just fly above to see where we are ok?"Vylad ordered kindly"Sure" I said starting to walk around.

The camping site was very old indeed, a few SUV's and cars were left behind rusting away, the tree's were incredibly tall,but other than that it was quite peaceful.The sun shined and birds were chirping it was beautiful it really was.(10min's later) I already found two pieces of firewood I know its not a lot but for a camping site with a lot of trees around it was surprising, I mean there where little sticks and blocks of wood but none of them were reliable nor good.I made my way to the SUV where Vylad and Zane said I could meet up with them, I saw them sitting on the ground with a laptop typing on it 'they must have found it in the SUV' I thought.I walk over to them and place the wood on the ground"Hey, sorry I couldn't find anymore firewood surprisingly there wasn't a lot"I said rubbing the back of my neck with an awkward smile"Its okay Garroth we'll make the best of it"he said in a understanding tone"So ah, what'cha got there"I said pointing at the computer" We're try'na get this computer working, I'm trying to change the password but it won't work"Vylad said getting frustrated "Maybe we should work on it tomorrow, it would be easier if we got some rest first"Zane suggested"Okay,I'm gonna get the fire going and you guys can sleep"I said"Garroth you've done so much stuff for us already why don't we do it"Vylad offered and Zane slowly nodded his head as well "Nah i'll do it don't worry"I said while waving me hands at them motioning that I don't need help"but-""Its okay"I said interrupting Zane and raising my voice a little"Fine"Zane said giving up. I get the fire started and then lay on my back facing the very few stars in the sky and then I think 'tomorrow's gonna be a long day' and then I drift into sleep.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so how was that for my very first chapter I think i did ok their's still thing i can improve though but anyway pls give me tip on what u think i should add and give me support thank you

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