And that was when I saw hie eyes flutter open ever so slightly.

I thought I had just imagined it, that he was still asleep. But then, he spoke, barely a whisper.


I felt like fainting.

I was just imagining this. There's no way.

He coughed, wincing at the pain. "Is-is it really you?"

At that point, I was crying an ocean. "Yes, yes, it's me Josh, it's okay. . ." I stood up and hugged him tight, until he winces again and I loosened my grip on him.

"Tyler, what. . . what happened?"

"You overdosed, Josh. Why? Why would you do that?"

He tried sitting up, but failed, and I laughed softly. He was so frail, so small. "I didn't. . . I mean. . ." He traveled off, staring at the wall. He seemed out of it, like he was there one second and the next he was gone.

"Josh?" I asked him, beginning to get worried. "Is everything okay?"

His lips opened, but nothing came out. I just noticed that his eyes were bloodshot and he looked very pale.

"Oh my God, Josh," I said, my voice trembling. I ran straight toward the emergency bottom next to the door and pushed it and looked back at Josh.

He laid there, tears streaming down his eyes. "Tyler. . . Tyler. . ." He kept on saying my name and I caressed his face and told him everything was going to be okay.

"I'm dying," he said, and all my emotions fell out. I couldn't see, my vision was boring from all of my tears. "I can't. . ." and he threw up right onto his bed.

I gripped his hand tight, ignoring the fact that he had just vomited in front of me. "I'm never letting go," I told him as nurses rushed in. They told me to leave, that I needed to get out of the room. Something was happening, they said.

I yelled back, saying I love you several times on the top of my lungs until my voice gave out and I was carried back to the waiting room. Josh's parents were rushing towards us and everything seemed to be in a frenzy. I laid on the floor in a tight ball and cried. I felt some hands patting my shoulders, probably Josh's siblings, but I didn't care.

That might have been the last time I ever spoke to Josh again.

And I never told him I loved him.

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