"See told you I wasn't here. Now tell me more about this first year, it sounds kind of interesting. What else happened? I mean I want all the details. I don't think I have ever heard of someone being killed by love. It still sounds like murder to me, I mean rending the body into ashes, that isn't love, that is murder." Voldemort was very interested in this information.

Dumbledore ignored what Voldemort was telling him. He knew he was right. It had been Voldemort possession Quirrell. "He can speak the language of snakes, and during his second year killed the Chamber's Monster. Show him, Mical."

Voldemort let out a stream of parseltongue that was very insulting to the boy and his abilities and Mical just looked at him, not understanding a word of it. "No, he doesn't," Voldemort informed everyone. He was enjoying this, making a fool out of Dumbledore. This was much better than the battle he had planned. He was wondering how often he could do this. Make it a yearly event maybe?

"I don't understand, he controlled a snake. He opened the Chamber." Dumbledore mumbled.

Mical looked at Dumbledore. "I can just say a few words in the language of the snakes Harry taught me when he introduced me to Alisha."

"How is Alisha? She was so sweet." Voldemort had many fond memories of Alisha.

"What about the duel? When Draco summoned the snake and you controlled it?" Dumbledore had heard about it from students and staff. He was going to keep ignoring Voldemort.

Mical looked down. "I didn't, I just told it to stop. I learned how to say stop from Harry earlier, and used it on the snake, Snape banished the snake after that."

Voldemort laughed. "I told you. You haven't answered me. How is she? She was such a sweet snake. A little protective but what snake isn't?"

"Where is Harry now, Mical?" Dumbledore ignored Voldemort. He couldn't believe this, he was going to lose the war because he selected the wrong twin, and that same twin had been lying to him. Why didn't he figure this out sooner? What did he do wrong?

"How should I know? He doesn't matter, you always said that. I do." Mical was being to get very annoyed at being subjected to these types of questions. He didn't like the fact that Harry was being mentioned. He was the famous twin, he was the one who counted. Dumbledore always told him that. He was important, he was needed to be their Savior. Not his brother. His brother was there to make him look better.

Voldemort looked at the boy and to Dumbledore. "I do hope you aren't expecting him to defeat me because even I can tell from here, he barely has any magic. The only thing huge about that boy is his huge ego. I mean, you always thought I had one but I have never lied nor laid claim to something I never did."

Dumbledore looked to the people who followed him, who had believed in him and The-Boy-Who-Lived, and saw them wondering what was happening. They heard what Voldemort was saying. "The prophecy says he will."

"You have to have the right boy for the prophecy to apply here. I didn't mark him as my equal, I didn't even go near him when he was little, if I remember he didn't even stop crying, while Henry." He was getting bored.

"Harry." one of his followers told him. The same one who didn't want to get cursed for Voldemort having the wrong information supplied. 

"Harry?" He paused, his Death Eater nodded, he continued, "kept looking at me, and laughed when I fired that Killing Curse. I was so shocked that is why I didn't move out of the way. The kid was laughing." Voldemort didn't want to admit he was laughed at by a kid but making a fool out of Dumbledore was worth it. Especially with all his little light followers listening.

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