But I'm The Flash...

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You fish through a trunk full of Halloween costumes, until you find the perfect one. You put on the dress and gawk at yourself in the mirror. What used to be over your knees is now just barely grazing your mid thigh. It also clings to the upper half of your body, showing off your curves. You stare at the tights on the bed and toss them back into the trunk, before slipping on the gloves you had altered to be fingerless.

You fish out a knee high pair of red gogo boots you had found in our gram's closest and put them on. Looking at yourself in the mirror once more, you nodded at how sexy you looked. There's a knock on your door.

"Wow!" Cisco says and steps inside your apartment. "Y/N, you clean up nice."

"Thanks, did you bring it?" you ask, rubbing your hands together.

Cisco hands you the red face mask. It's a perfect fit and you twirl once. "What do you think?"

"Damn girl!"

"Come on," you grab his arm. "Let's go get turnt!"


"Woah there!" Cisco calls out to me as you down your third shot of tequila.

"It doesn't effect me! I'm the flash, silly!" you say and smack his arm playfully. "Ooo! I love this song," you say, leaving him for the dance floor.

"Remember Cisco, what can't you tell any one?"

"I have to keep your identity secret,"

"Even from Barry!"

You get to the dance floor and begin to sway your hips from side to side. You dance for a little while and return to down more shots. You pull Cisco off of his seat and to the dance floor where you giggle at his dance moves.

"I know what would be an even better idea!"


"More shots," you giggle and head back to the bar where I order three more shots.

"Keep this up and I'll tell Barry who you are,"

"Look, it's Barry!" you squeal like a child and run over to him.

"Hey, it's the Flash."

"Shhh!" you cry out as you wrap my arms around his neck. "Just because you're cute, doesn't mean I will tell you who I really am."

"Just how much did you drink?" he asks.

"I'm not drunk I'm the Flash. I'm gonna go dance okay?" you say and run really fast to the dance floor.

"Just how much did she drink?" Barry asks Cisco as they watch you sway your hips on the dance floor. Barry would never admit it, but the way you danced was a huge turn on for him.

Cisco counted on his fingers, "At least ten shots of Tequila and half a bottle of vodka."

"We should get her home."

"Nooo! Not yet," you say has you grab the bottle of vodka and down another quarter of it in one go.

"Dance with me Barry, please!" Barry shakes his head in protest. You grab his hand and pull him towards the dance floor.

You turn around and grind up against his body, he grabs your hips and turns you around. You chuckle and whisper in his ear. "Barry I have a secret to tell you." you take off of your mask and it falls to the floor.

"It's really me, Y/N."

"I know," he spins and twirls you around.

"Who told you?"

"No one. I just can't believe that you picked the Flash as your costume this year." You put your finger on his lips.

"No more talking, let's dance." You say and jump up and down pumping your first into the air.

"I think you've had enough fun for one night."

"I want to stay here and be happy with all the happy people,"

"Okay," Barry says and throws you over his shoulder. "Time to go!"

The next morning

You wake up in Barry's bed and the sunlight peeking through the blinds makes you groan. His sheets feel so nice on your skin. You peek under the covers to find that you're naked.

"Oh God,"

"That's not the name I usually go by, but I like it." Barry says, staring at you from a chair in the corner of his room.

"We didn't did we?" you say, sitting up in the bed.

"Oh, but we did and it was amazing."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes," he says, trying to keep a straight face. Then he burst out laughing.

"Bartholomew Allen! That is not funny!" you say and throw a pillow at him.

He tosses you a shirt and you slip it on.

"I feel like I've been hit with a supersonic punch." You groan.

"There's aspirin next to you," you swallow it and close your eyes. Seconds later you're puking your guts out.

Barry holds your hair back and you rest your head on the tile floor. "How much did I drink last night?"

"Let's just say that your tab was more expensive than your limited edition Dr. Martin's."

"Oh God no." You say before you hoist yourself up to puke. Several minutes later you lie with your head on Barry's lap.

It only worsens until you feel so empty you ache.

"What happened to my panties?" you ask as your eyes flutter closed.


"Hey, I think she's waking up." Barry says as he grabs your hand.

Suddenly all you see is bright lights and you groan.

You look around at the familiar environment of Star Labs and close your eyes.

"How much do you remember from last night?"

"Not much really, must you speak so loud?" Barry laughs.

"Now get to work bitch." Barry whispers.

"Oh God, that I remember." I moan, thinking about how I began impromptu pole dancing.

"That was actually really amazing. I had no idea you were that talented."

"How you do think I keep a body like this?"

"Crossfit works just as well."

"You jealous?"

"I was last night when you made out with a complete stranger."

"Oh I'm sorry that I find Suicide Squad's Joker really attractive."

"Though it wasn't funny when you went to town on Harley Quinn."

"I was wondering how I got those scratches." I say, looking at the bandage on my upper arm and wince at the bruise blossoming on my stomach.

"We pulled you off of her before it got serious. Then I hoisted you over my shoulder and took you home. When we got in you took off almost all your clothes and proceeded to hog my bed."

"Thanks for saving me," I say and kiss him. He looks up at me, surprised.

"I really like you, I just haven't found the right moment to tell you."

Barry leans in and kisses you again and you wince.

"My whole body aches,"

Barry laughs and wraps his arms around you.

"Next time don't drink so much,"

A/N songs playing at the club:
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Witch Doctor (Oo eeh Oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang)
Work Bitch Britney Spears
Tambourine Eve
The Hills The Weeknd

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