Epilogue: Back at it Again

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She stepped aside, opening the door for me. As I walked into her little house, I was hit with a scent of pine and coffee, a homey smell. It smelled like Bobby's house.

"So, you said you've heard of me before?" I asked, turning to face her.

"It was so very long ago." She looked off into the house, recounting the memories. "But you do look so very much like she did."

"Like who did?" I pressed.

"Rebecca. My fifth cousin or something. You look a lot like her, but older. Of course, you knew her." She turned to me, the warmness gone out of her voice. "Didn't you."

Her gaze, hard and unyielding, was filled with something I couldn't place. Not hatred, not as strong as that. But it wasn't something warm and fuzzy either.

"Yes." I said cautiously. "I spoke to her once... or twice."

"I would hope so. She talked about you quite a bit. Called you... hmm, what was it?" She tapped a finger on her chin in mock pondering. "I think it was, 'the voice in her head', perhaps? But here you stand, clear as day."

"I can explain-"

"No need. I've pieced it all together. You're a spirit of some sort. Whispered little things to Rebecca, then bam, she disappears, never to be seen again. Common behavior. Now you're coming to haunt me." She smiled without humor.

"I'm not a spirit."

"Demon then. A weak one, probably."

"I think you messed up somewhere in your research." I smirked at her.

"You're lying."

"Why would I?"

She had no comeback to that.

"Listen, Ondine, I'm going to give it to you straight, because my grace is waning without a vessel." I could feel the pieces of my being straining at being on Earth for so long. "I'm an angel. Rebecca was one of my vessels. She's dead now and now I need a new one."

Ondine was silent for a moment, then she asked, very plainly, "how do you know my name?"

"I know everything. Your shoe size to your last boyfriend's middle name."

She didn't say anything for a long time. Finally, she said, "get out of my house." It was a faint whisper, barely a sound.

"What?" I asked.

"Get out of my house." She said, her voice louder, more assertive.


"Get out of my house!" She roared. I now recognized the look in her eyes.


I grabbed her hand. "I can give you revenge."

She jerked away, saying, "I'm not interested." But I could see. She was hooked.

I dropped her hand. "I can give you justice. For Rebecca's death. Her killer is still out there."

"You killed her."

"I may have been the cause of her destruction, but I did not initiate it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I sighed. "A demon, a very powerful demon, once bargained with me. The effects of our bargain, effects I didn't even think to look for, led to my death. And the death of Rebecca alongside me."

"...how can I believe you?"

"You have to."

She was silent, thinking. I began to worry that she wouldn't consent, and that I would have to back up to the silent halls of Heaven again.

"You'll kill this- this demon?" She asked. "If I let you, posses me?"

"Possession is an ugly term to use, but yes. I will."

She nodded slowly. "Okay." A deep breath. "You can do it."


I knocked slowly on the bunker's door, Ondine's fair knuckles creating low beats of sound on the metal. It took a minute for someone to answer, opening the mail slot and looking down. Moment's later, the door opened.

Salty holy water was flung on me.

When I opened my eyes, Sam was standing there, a flask in a hand.

"Welcoming as always, Sam."

"Who is it?" I heard Dean's voice from somewhere in the bunker.

"It's you're favorite archangel, Dean-o!" I stepped under Sam's arm, smirking.

"Kei?" Dean's head poked out from the kitchen.

I smirked. "I'm back!"

Well, there you have it. I guess I was a little rusty after all this time. How'd y'all like it? If you enjoyed, please like, comment, and have a great day!

The Fifth ArchangelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora