Author's Note

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So, that's the end.

Wow. I don't know if anyone really pays attention to dates or anything, but I started this on November 23, 2015. As of finishing, it's June 30, 2016. That's SEVEN MONTHS OF WRITING. That's seven months of The Fifth Archangel. That's seven months of Keistelle Blackwell. That's seven months of Anti-Christs and Apocalypses. That's seven months of sarcasm, arrogance, and all the other stuff.

Wow. That's surreal.

In that seven months, this book was able to rack up 1.73K reads and 124 votes. That's amazing. You all are amazing. All my readers, all my supporters, and all the people who just clicked on this because the cover looked cool, you guys are fantabulous.

I want to thanks the people who have been with this since the beginning, the people who started while it was in progress, and the people who are reading it after it was done. Every one of you is freaking amazing.

Thanks to the people who voted, the people who commented, the people who added this to their reading list, the people who followed me because of this. You all are my saving grace.

And thanks to my friend Carly (Sea_of_Mischief), who pointed out every time I spelled Michael's name wrong. Thanks to my friend Kendal, who gave me advice on this without reading it. Thanks to my friend Roupam (foreverballoon), for creating that fantabulous cover. Thanks to my grandmother, Meméré, for giving me advice on characterization. And thanks to my English teacher, Mrs. Kwoleck, who read this and told me that it was different (if you meant good different or bad different, I still don't know).

I don't remember why I started this, but it was probably something along the lines of, "What do I have to lose?" That was probably why the first draft of the first chapter was so crappy. I think I improved from that, probably. I started out with 700 word chapters, and ended with 1,300 word chapters. That's progress if I ever saw it.

In conclusion (take that every English teacher I've ever had), thanks so, so, so, so, so, so... much everyone! It's been great. Really, we have to do this again sometime. I don't like goodbyes, but, quoting Keistelle:

Goodbye, guys.


Other Works by Me:

Of Shadows - Science fiction thriller about criminal mutants and the power of the human (or inhuman) mind

Rejected - Supernatural fanfiction about a highschool-aged Sam and Gabriel and their romantic misadventures

Teen Fiction - Original poetry

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