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Luna POV
"FUCK FUCK" I hear my dad screaming.
"Daniël whats going on?" My mom asks him.

"We almost had L7." "This was our chance"

I don't understand anything about that L7. I mean he is a criminal like all of them. The police don't even have proof that he has killed people.

Well it's not my business.

At school
I grab my math book out of my locker. "Lunaaaa" my bestfriend Kim yells. We hug and chat while we're walking to class.

We have history now. It's so damn boring. It already happened, so why do we have to learn history.

At the end of the day I'm home alone. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge. "Great" I mumble when I see: nothing. It's empty.
I grab some money and walk to the supermarket.

I have to go trough a small alley. But I didnt came far. Someone pushed me in the face and everything became black

Wtf did just happen?

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