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Luna pov

As soon as I walk down the stairs I hear a door closing. Well that was my dad. My dad is a detective and he's always working.

The corps are really busy with the case called: L7. L7 is a criminal. A bad one I've heard.

Apparently he has killed alot and does a lot of dirty work for people.

There are donuts lying on the kitchen. I take 2 of them and put them in a lunchbox and then put it in my bag. Yes my schoolbag. It's monday and the summer holiday has just ended.

I feel already depressed by the tought of going to school. New classes, people and teachers.

At least I have my best buddy Kim. We've been best friends for ages now. She's is the most important person in my life.

I run down the hallway and open a door. All of the sudden I'm in the toilets. I lock the door in panic, and try to find a way to escape.

Soon my eyes catch a window. I run to it and try to open it. Yes it's open.


I hear shooting. "Shit" I wishper.
People in the hallway are moaning from pain.

I'm trying to get myself trought the window, but I'm too late. He is shooting at the lock of the door and the door flies open.

I take my gun out of my jacket and point the gun at the man in front of me.

"If I were you, I would take your gun down" I yell at him.

"No" he screams

BAM, I shoot him.

"Haha, I told you to take your gun down" I laugh.

I run out of the toilets to the exit. I open the door and walk quietly to my car. As soon as I'm in the car I hear sirens.

"Fuck". I drive as fast as I can. Luckely they didn't noticed me

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