I Watch Fire Fight a Firefighter??

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Just as I had assumably tricked a porcupine to kill himself with his own hands, the fire department decided it was finally a wonderful time to show up. I didn't really think that any adult would be too happy seeing that I was probably the only living thing (especially a "troublemaking teenager") inside of a library being consumed by a raging fire, filled with dead or unconscious bodies. I ducked behind the book drop near the fire extinguisher holster and tried to calm my breathing. I heard the beating down of the front entrance. I peeked through the slot meant for book returns and saw an axe split through the scorched large wooden door, which preceded to jolt harshly and then slam to the floor. The sudden rush of cold autumn air into the flame stricken building created an extreme back draft. A whoof of unmerciful flames licked around the face of the primary firefighter who's purpose was only to open the entrance, not to go inside. The lack of protective equipment including a helmet led to his downfall. The stubble of his chin singed and the skin of cheek caught ablaze. He stumbled back, falling to the leaf blanketed ground outside. One firefighter, bejeweled with medals on his breast pockets (the chief I assume) dragged the screaming man away from the doors and hollered for a medic to assist. After the medic arrived and knelt down beside the man, hurriedly ripping open first aid kids and twisting caps on bottles of hydrogen peroxide, I saw nothing more than a blur of yellow firefighter suit legs running inside after the blast had died down, man after man with hoses and extinguishers. I stayed put, out of sight in the little nook for book drop offs, fighting the urge to scurry out and ask a medic for first aid on my burn. I didn't need anymore trouble... heck, my grades weren't wonderful, my parents weren't very happy with me, my friend (yes, singular) may not even be friendly towards me anymore, and I just witnessed the destruction of a public building, murdered a humanoid porcupine, and are somehow the only one alive out of this conniption? Absolutely fantastic.

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