Books Weren't my Favorite Anyways

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     I knew the minute the library roof
blew off something was wrong. I hadn't come to the realization that something had happened, since I had my headphones on, blasting, until my homework caught fire in front of me. Welp, I thought, Sorry Mrs. Weathers. I shoved the chair out from behind me and it fell with a clatter. I looked around for the nearest exit. Papers with singed edges were flying around, the place was like the birthplace of chaos itself. Bookshelves toppled, people ran, screaming. The door to the right of me was blocked by a leaning tower of bookshelves knocked over on each other, engulfed in flames. Sweat ran down my forehead from the heat. My arms shook from the nerves in my body. I couldn't think straight, my lungs felt as if they were burning along with the books. The fire alarm was blaring in my ear, and my eardrum was pounding inside my head as fast as my heart was. I ran (that is if you consider stumbling in a quick motion running) towards the rear of the building, searching for an alternate exit. I passed a body with redwood planks of a ceiling covering it's upper body. Sympathy flooded my body and I had to stop and help. I bent over to remove some of the rubble. I felt an ember singe through the shoulder of my white tee. I got distracted, brushing as quickly as I could to put it out or get it off of me. I kept digging I guess, in the motion a dog does to bury a bone. After as much as I could get off was cleared, and the person could at least get to their feet, I kept scavenging the entire building. I just needed to get out, clear my head. It was like running through an obstacle course: I dodged falling books and bookshelves, hurdled over fallen debris and people. I heard my name shouted, or more like growled from behind me. I turned and looked, while still running and ended up catching my foot on a Harry Potter book. I mumbled a series of curse words under my breath, not like anyone could hear them. Darn you, Rowling, with your books thicker than the Bible. I turned my attention to the source of where my name was called. My eyes widened at the sight of it. Whatever it was, it wasn't human.

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