Chapter 3

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Lisa's mom was still pouty but when she looked at Lisa, the joy overcame her anger. She smiled and held out her hands to her daughter whom she hadn't laid eyes on for the last three years. They had tried going out there to visit her but Lisa stopped them and said she'd be moving around a lot so visiting her would be a waste of their time.

They hugged and Joe's face was a bright ray of sunshine seeing the two women in his life smiling and in each others arms finally.

"What do you want to drink dear, tea, maybe coffee?" asked her mom.

"Mom, thanks but  I need to catch my breath first then I'll prepare something for all of us. I am now here I'll help you with breakfast," she said with a smile on her face.

They laughed and talked as Lisa prepared breakfast for eveyone. Her dad helped her. He made her waffles which she really loved ever since she was a child.

"So what have you been up to lately? How is work and everyone back there? I just haven't seen you for so long and nowadays whenever I call you are so busy that we only talk for five minutes or less." said her mom.

"I am sorry that I have been so busy mom. Trust me I try my best to make time and all but after work I'm usually so tired and I have to prepare something to eat and do more work at home and prepare for the next day."

"But now that you are here," she sipped her tea, " why are you paying to stay at the hotel and you know we are willing to accommodate you here? We would like for you too stay here with us. Your room really misses you."

Joe was stunned but he knew better than to utter a single word. Lisa carefully placed the waffle she was holding and looked at her mother searching for the right words to say.

"Mom, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the offer.I really do. It is really nice of you but I think I just need to be alone. I'll come to visit you two as often as possible but I can't stay here and please don't take it personally." she said in a polite tone then picked up her waffle and continued eating.

Her mother was crushed. She looked at her husband in search of support but she found none. His head was bowed as he waited for the awkward silence that had just hit the room to be broken .

"Why don't we spend the day together? We could go to the park we always used to when I was small and have a  family picnic." said Lisa.

"I'm sorry but we had other things planned. Maybe I'll send you our event calendar and you could match it up with yours and see whether you have time to spare for your parents" said her mom sarcastically, "now if you'd excuse me I have some more important things to take care of." she napped her mouth and took off with her cup.

"I am so sorry dad I didn't mean to create any issues especially today. I hope you understand why I have made this decision."

"I get you hun but you know your mum so just give her some time to take all of this in. She still thinks of you as her little baby girl whom she wants to always be around and that won't change now that you are a fully grown beautiful woman whom I am a very proud of to say the least."

Lisa stood up and hugged her dad. She then cleared the table and luckily didn't find her mom at the kitchen. She bid everyone and left since her picnic plans had been shot down. She went off to see best friend.

"You could have supported me Joe. Why did you just stay quiet?"

"She doesn't want to stay with us Pam. Forcing her will only push her further away. We don't know how long she has before she goes back to her place so stop being stubborn and let her be. That way you'll be able to spend quality time with her." she remained mum.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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