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I smiled slightly as the December chills touched my face. Looking at the evening sky all the tiredness from such a long day  completely forgotten, walking home was always the best part of my day. Away from father and mother was hard at beginning but time healed everything. Looking forward I saw the little place I always adored, my first safe place at the foreign land 'Smiles'. Entering the cafe the sweet aroma of coffee and cupcakes surrounding me instantly bringing the slight smile in my lips.

"Your usual doll? " Andrea the sweet lady, the owner of the cafe asked me. Smiling slightly I nodded my head. She was the one who helped me during my hard period with her kindness by offering me the job at the same cafe. Without her we wouldn't have overcame the phase, the hardship. Taking the packet and two smoothly brewed coffee I dropped the money at the table and walked out, not before earning her soft kiss.

Continuing my way towards my destination I hugged my self closer making sure not to drop my coffee, the December chill was sure getting high. I saw the lights and decorations and smiled. Christmas was soon this year, only if it could be same like before, sighing I let out a big huff. Taking the small path my lips curved a little more, my eyes shone a little brighter.

Finally arriving at my destination I smiled with content running my hand through the plate that always reminds me where I have reached, where I finally am.

Nandani Manik❤

How blunt, I'm Nandani Malhotra and welcome to my life, my story.  

Pushing the door I speak "I'm home Mr

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Pushing the door I speak
"I'm home Mr. Malhotra "


Ps. English isn't my native  tongue so there will be some mistakes.

Till next time ❤

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