Chapter Nine: The End

Start from the beginning

".......Fine. I'll kill you first." Kageyama aimed the knife toward Tsukki's throat.

"H-Huh...?"Tsukki stared at him.

"You said kill everyone. So I'm going to kill you first." Kageyama tried to pin Tsukki down, but he fought back.

"That's not going to happen, idiot." Tsukki tried to rip the knife out of his hands.

The two fought back and forth, ignoring the others. While they were distracted, you took the time to figure out how to get out of here. The others had to escape. You noticed the duffel bag on the floor and unzipped it. Inside was his phone, some spare clothes, a new pair of glasses, and an assortment of knifes and weapons. The others noticed what you were doing and quickly rushed over to help. Suddenly, a scream sounded through the room. Everyone turned their attention to the sound. Tsukki stood there, his eyes wide and crazed. On the floor was Kageyama's dead body. The knife was still stuck in his head and blood was flooding out. If you looked closely, you could see a bit of his brain.

"Where do you think you're going, ____? I told you, you can't escape from me. We will always be together till death do us part." Tsukki said, roughly pulling the knife out of Kageyama's head. "Now, be a good girl and move, so I can take care of the others."

You look at Tsukki and then at Kageyama's and Nishinoya's dead bodies. You thought back to Hinata, Suga, Yamaguchi, how everything used to be okay and normal. You thought back to the secret meeting you had with Yamaguchi.

"....The only choices you have is to expell him, get him arrested, or....kill him yourself."

Kill him yourself.

Kill him yourself, ____.

Kill Tsukishima Kei, ____. That's the only way.

You glanced at the duffel bag and quickly grabbed a knife. You aimed at Tsukki. Your eyes were full of determination. Tsukki had to go, no matter what.

"What are you going to do with that, ___? You don't actually think you can kill me, can you? Pathetic." Tsukki moved forward, reaching out for the knife. You saw a glint of fear hidden behind his eyes.

"I can try. Or you can simply give up and promise to leave us alone and turn yourself in. You killed my friends because I didn't noticed your psychotic feelings for me. All of this could have been avoided, Tsukki. I probably would have even liked you back. " You said, fixated on Tsukki's every movement.

Tsukki was silent for a moment. His hand began to lower.

"...Do you even know what you are saying, ____? I know we were meant for each other. I know you liked me back. All this time, you were just playing hard to get. I knew if I eliminated everyone in your life, you would only pay attention to me. I love you, ____. Just put the knife and go over to the corner. I'll probably give you a less harsh punishment later." Tsukki said sternly.

The room was quiet, waiting to hear your decision. You looked down at the ground, then back at Tsukki, your face sad and vulnerable.

"Fine, Tsukki-kun." You said, lowering the knife.

"That's my ____. Now, go to the corner." Tsukki said, smiling lightly that you called him Tsukki-kun.

You began to walk toward the corner, but suddenly, did a quick turn toward Tsukki's back. Before he could react, you could hear the sound of something ripping through flesh. You opened your eyes and see Tsukki's back bleeding. Without thinking, you took the knife and stabbed him again. And again. And again.

This is for Hinata. For Kageyama. For Suga. For Yamaguchi. For Nishinoya. For everyone who feared you. And especially for me.

Tsukki's body fell to the ground, a pool of blood underneath him. The others stared at you, who was splattered with blood.

"____..." Daichi managed to say.

You were silent. Tears ran down your face as the fear and aniexty finally got to you. You fell to the ground, the knife slipping out of your hands. Your vision began to blur as the others ran up to you.


It has been a year since that day. You sat at home, on your bed, playing on your new phone. Daichi said it would be a good idea to get rid of it before the police find it. You always ask them what happened to Nishinoya's, Kageyama's, and Tsukki's bodies, but he never told you anything except that they were in a better place. You smiled lightly, just happy that everything is over. You still deeply miss Hinata the the rest who died, but knowing the real killer was gone, made you smile.

What you didn't know was that a pair of cat-like brown eyes next door was watching you closely. Too closely.


That's all, folks! That's the end of this story! If you know your Haikyuu well enough, I bet you can guess who I'm doing next! But don't worry, the new "you" will be alot more different than this one here! :P

I hope you deeply enjoyed this story and be ready for the next Yandere!Haikyuu story!

See you, kouhais! :3

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