"Thanks anyways," I mumbled to thin air; she had already disappeared.

I just hope I don't run into Phoenix. Now that I'm thinking about him, I did isn't want to be harsh, but I really didn't have any romantic feelings for him. I barely know him, let alone talk to him. I had no reason to like him; sure, he was attractive, but he had no good qualities. I'm not like those girls in the cliche books, I don't fall for jerks.

"What are you doing out of the medic room, pumpkin?" I was glad to get out of my depressing, non existing love life of mine.

My back was facing him, so I had to turn around, "Were you following me?" I narrowed my eyes.

He chuckled heartily, throwing his head back, "What did you expect? I'm your body guard after all," Thorin grinned at me.

I started walking again, which made him grasp my shoulder to make me stop. I sighed, not bothering to turn around.

"And where do you think you're going, sweetheart?"

Another pet name for me; it never seems to end. Sighing again, I rolled my eyes at my so called body guard.

"Well," I drawled out, "I was going to my room, since Eliana told me that the king said I could go back. I have to be on strict bed rest though."

I really don't know why I was explaining it to him. I hardly know him and even if he was my body guard, he didn't need to know.

He scoffed, "I know for a fact that he didn't order that. I'll just have to take you back," he was talking to himself more than to me.

"No, don't take me back there!" I panicked, my eyes giving the silent plea.

He held his hands up, "Alright, alright; I won't," he promised me, "but we do have to see the king. I would suggest that you take a shower first. Have you seen yourself?" He winked playfully, his deep voice amusing me.

Now that I take at look at him closely, he didn't just have a similar name as my favorite super hero. He also looked a lot like him and talked like him. I laughed aloud at my thoughts; I knew that this was on purpose. Well, I did come up with him after all.

"Oh shut it," I give him a glare, stalking off.

I knew that he was following me, no doubt about it. I really did want to take a shower though; it sounded amazing. It wasn't long before the warm water was pouring over me. I had a feeling that Thorin would be waiting outside for me. As weird as it was, I was mentally getting excited about him looking like Thor.

I made sure to scrub extra hard, I didn't want any dirt on me anymore. I started feeling much better, even though the water was stinging my cuts. I hope this didn't do anything with the infections. I'm sure I was going to be ordered to take medicine until they were gone.

When it came to the hair washing, I was groaning in pain. Turns out I had thorns in my hair also; ones that they didn't notice. I also made sure to leave in the lovely smelling hair wash in extra long. Whenever I did that at home, my hair would smell amazing for a few days.

"Are you drowning in there?" Thorin's floated through the door.

I huffed, "You wish!"

After I finished shaving my legs, I turned off the water. To keep myself warmer, I grabbed the towel with most of the curtains shut. I wrapped the overly fluffy towel around my body, sighing in content. It felt amazing, nothing like I've been feeling lately. Showers were one of my highlights, I'm sure like everyone one else. I usually end up taking a longer shower than I want.

After I throw on some comfy pants and a hoodie that Thorin had gotten me before I got in. I grabbed the mini blue brush on the sink and yanked it through my hair roughly. I made myself flash a smile in my mirror, even though I was far from happy. My life sucked, and there was no way to get around it.

Door FifteenWhere stories live. Discover now