Chapter 20 - Differences aside

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Freaking humans! Cant even stand on her own anymore. I stare over at her as blood started dropping from her nose. "Whats going on!" Jace screamed in fear. "Relax she's just worn out. Humans weren't made to teleport so often." I said as I removed the magic hiding the lake house. "Come on. Lets go."

We step inside another one of Lycans hide outs. The scent of fresh river water and cabin fire filled the air. Jace took Ziya upstairs and I decided to go digging for something strong to drink. Ahhhh bourbon should do it. I open the bottle and pour some into four cups. Jace comes down the stairs and I passed him a drink. He sips it with a shaking hand. "Whats wrong Jace?" I asked and he had no time to reply before Ziya came downstairs. She should have been out for hours. "I...gave her some of my blood." he whispers to me. I lay the rest of the drink on the table in front of Ace and grab Jaces hand. I drag him into the kitchen and then glare at him. "Are you crazy." I growl quietly so no one else could hear. "I couldn't just let her die." he growls back and I smack him round the head. "She wouldn't have died idiot." I said as I left him alonr and walked back into the lounge room. I picked up a drink a took a sip. "So whats the plan?" Ace asks as he takes a sip of his drink. "I dont know. our fathers immortal and he wont come after us, he'll send his minions to do it." I said and Lycan interrupted, "then we kill his little bitches." he says and I shake my head, "then my father would come after us and we're all screwed." I said. "Then run with me. All of you can come with me. Its not that difficult." he says and I smile a little. "I'll go see what Jace thinks" I said heading into the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen to see Jace and Ziya making out. "Jace!" I yell drawing his attention away from the human. "Oh hey sis." he says with an embarrassed smile on his face. I glare at the human whos looking up at my brother. "We have a plan." I said grabbing the human away from Jace and dragging her over to Ace. I pushed her down beside him and he wrapped his arm over her shoulder. Jace glares at me with an evil look. "Ziya come here." he demands but Ace tightens his grip, "you havent been sharing brother." he says. "Mynx whats wrong with you. Were your older brothers!" Jace yells. Oh great a fights gonna break out.

I seriously have no clue what's going on. When Jace put some liquid in my mouth my whole body felt tingly. And then we kissed. What the hell is wrong with me?!

I looked between the twins. They are fighting. Over me. God. Girls would be so happy that boys would be fighting over them but me, this is ridiculous.

Thinking I was sitting on the couch beside Ace I was somehow on his lap. His grip was really tight. "You have to share! That was the deal!" Ace yelled. Jace growled at him. "I saw her first! She's mine!"

Mynx and Lycan looked as confused as I was. "It doesn't matter! We both brought her!" Ace hammered. Okay now this is getting way to much. I turned and slapped Ace across the face. He touched his sore cheek. "Get over yourself!" Before I could say more I clutched my head. What did Jace give me?

"See look! You hurt her!" Jace snapped. What? No he didn't. I turned to him. "What did you give me?" I asked him. He looked stumped. Jace didn't answer me. "What did you give me." I said harsher.

"My blood." He said without looking at me. Okay, this isn't good. Not good at all. "You just made a mistake." I growled. Jace snapped his head to me. "I didn't want you to die!" He yelled. I shook my head.

"You are now killing me from the inside! I'm dying you fucking..." I stopped when a wave of pain hit. I looked back at Jace. "You idiot. I thought we all could be friends. But now look what you did." I snapped. Ace growled at his brother. "Great. Thanks a lot Jace. Our pet is dying. We aren't going to have another pet just as good as her." Ace stormed over go Jace and pinned him tk the wall. "ENOUGH!" I turned to see an angry Mynx. "Enough both of you. The human can be saved you idiots. God, sometimes you guys are blind." She said shaking her head.

I walked away to go to the bedroom. "Leave me to die. I hate you." I said

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