Chapter 19 - Answers

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I wouldn't take not having answers. "We just saved your ass. Hell I went in there thinking id actually have to be nice to those two not to mention your family killed my mother!" I yelled. "She was like a mother to all four of us." Lycan said making me remember her more. Her kind smile, her soft eyes. Everything. "I believe you owe me answers." I tell her and she sighs. "Can I at least go get dressed?" She asks motioning to the blanket wrapped around her. "Three minutes and im sending the twins up there." I tell her and she bolts upstairs. I turn around to face the three boys. Ace was glaring at Jace, probably for hogging the human and Lycans staring off into space. I miss my mum.

Running through the forest, throwing mud pies and whatever else at the twins and Lycan. "You'll never catch me!" I yelled and bumped into a tree. At first the boys laughed until I burst into tears as my nose started bleeding. My mother, Korina came running out. "Oh sweetheart what happened?" She asked picking me up. "I...hit the...tree" I cried as she carried me inside and the boys followed. She sat me down and healed up my nose with one wave of her hand. "There you go sweetie" she says and kisses me on the forehead. I lunge at her and hug her tight. "Thanks mummy. I love you" I tell her.

My father was a better person around her. He blames me for her death. I was the one who wanted to see if I could blend in with human kids. "Alright you guys want answers?" Ziya asks as she walks down the stairs now wearing jeans and a light blue shirt. "Yes" I said straight up. "Alright then lets take a seat." She says. "Its a long story."

I sit down next to Jace and Ace while Ziya sits next to Lycan, who immediately jumps up and stands by the fireplace.  "My grandfather had taken me to the park one day." Ziya begans. " There weren't many kids there that day. Until a young women showed up. She was going around to every kid she saw, controlling them. We didnt know why until the next day. The women, showed up with a child. Four children actually. Three boys and a girl" she says and shock runs through me. Jace, Ace, Lycan and I. I remember that day. "Kids appeared out of nowhere. Began playing with these four children" she said and us four shared worried glances. "How did you know?" Ziya asked and I glared at her. "That was us." I said and she continued her story, trying to hide her pity. " The minute these kids started playing four, my grandfather grabbed me and left. He took me back home and then left immediately. Later that night he came home covered in blood and dad lost it. Grabbed me and my mum and ran. I never knew what happened until my dad told me." she says and I jolt up ans step closer to the human. "Let me tell you what happened. My mother stayed there. All day letting us play like normal children. On the walk back to our home here, your grandfather grabbed me. Told my mother to hand herself over." I growled taking my shirt off to show the small scar just below my bra. "Your grandfather stabbed me and threw me to the floor and ran at my morher. He clearly didnt know I was like my mum cause I healed fast and went to run at him but my mother screamed at my brothers to grab me and run. They dragged me away as we watched the only mother any of us knew, get cut open and torn apart by a real monster" I said as tears streamed down my face. I bolted upstairs before anyone could stop me and cried. I went to the bed, curled up and cried. I'm so sorry mum. I could have protected you.

I stared at my hands. I was sorry what my grandfather did to her and her mum. I really am. I'm sorry that I'm human and she will never see her mum again. I put my head in my hands. Sighing I looked up again. "My grandfather is dead. If you wanted to kill him your welcome to kill me. I'm the one that he did it for. I'm the one he wanted to protect." I said. Jace instantly stood. "Why the hell would we do that!" He yelled. I flinched and stood up. Without saying a word I walked up the stair's. Mynxs crying led me to her room. I knocked twice. She didn't answer.

I faced my palm flat to the door and bent my head. "Mynx. I'm sorry. Look if you want I can leave and never come back." I said through the door. The door suddenly swung open to reveal a teary eyed Mynx. She growled.

"How's that gonna help! I'd rather kill you!" She screamed at me. I nodded my agreement. "Go ahead." I whispered. I looked away and a tear dropped down my face. "Do it Mynx. What do you care? I'm just a human that's related to the one person you want to kill. So do it. I have nothing left. My parents won't remember me and I'm in a house full if fucking demons! So do it!" I yelled at her. She was dumbstruck. I stepped back and cried.

Running footsteps come up the stairs. The boys have snappy faces on. "We need to leave. Now." Ace said. I stood up and watched Mynx run. "Grab the human an let's go." Lycan said. I was grabbed by Ace. We portaled and landed on some hills. I clutched my head. Why on earth do I feel dizzy? I was suddenly falling but Jace caught me. "What's wrong with her?" Someone asked. I didn't know what was next because I was drowned in darkness.

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