Chapter 3 - Not so normal

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I was walking the same path to school as I always do. It was quite warm today too. Humming away I met up with Crissy. She beamed when she saw me. "Ziya!" She squealed. I laughed and when I was about to walk over to her someone grabbed me and pushed me up against a wall. I tried squirming but he only pressed me harder. "That's it baby doll. Night night time." The strange male voice said. Someone stuck a needle in my neck and darkness carried me away...

Gasping I sat up in bed. Crazy dream. I rubbed my face and looked at the time. Oh crap! I'm gonna be late! I threw my sheets off and quickly put on my school clothes.

I finished putting my shoes on, ran to the kitchen and left. Man, oh man. Please don't be late. I ran and when I got to the main gate I saw that people haven't gone to class yet. Sighing happily I walked to my locker.

When I got to the locker halls someone was leaning on my locker. He was pretty tall. And my I say, kinda cute looking. Wait! Why would I say that! I haven't had an interest in guys in like forever.

Slapping my head I walked over. The boy looked up. He didn't seem to be around here before. The boy grinned at me. "Hi are you Ziya?" He asked. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and stopped in front of him. "Yeah. Why?" I asked.

I need to really hurry up before I'm late. The guy shrugged. He came closer and crowded me so my back was against the lockers. "Nothing. I just heard that your pretty special around here." He said smirking.

I could see the want and lust in his eyes. No fucking way. I shoved him. "If you will excuse me, I have a class to attend." I got my books out locked my locker and left him standing there. I am not letting any guy like him get what he wants.

I couldn't focus on my work. I was to distracted by the dream I had and that guy who was at my locker. I chewed my sandwich slowly. The tingly feeling came again. I tried to ignore it. "Woo hoo? Ziya? Earth to Ziya." A male hand waved in front of my face. We sat in the café. I turned to Michael. "Sorry." I whispered.

I sipped my drink and got up. "Its getting late. I have to get home." I lied. The truth was is that I was tired. And the tingly feeling was freaking me out. The guys nodded. "Okay see you tomorrow." Jessie said. I smiled and walked out of the café. Better get home.

The walk was silent. It was nice though. Quiet. A car slowed down next to me. I walked faster and looked down. Hoping they didn't look at me. I turned a corner and that guy from this morning was at the end of the path.

He grinned at me. "Hey doll face." He said and walked closer. Doll face. Oh my God. This can't be. I backed away, making my bag fall to the ground. I ran in the opposite direction an ran. I bumped into a wall of muscle.

I gasped and stepped back. It was him. How did he do that?! He grabbed my arms and pushed me up against the wall. "That's it baby doll. Night night time." He said. My dream was coming true. I tried to squirm.

He pressed me harder. Some kind of needle went into my neck and put some liquid into me. My head started going lightheaded and I was losing to the darkness. What's happening to me?


"And where exactly do you two think you're going?" Mynx said just as I was about to jump through the portal to meet up with Jace.

Apparently its human night at the auction house. "" I said and she rolled her eyes. "Seriously where?" She grumbles and puts her right hand on her hip. I sigh, admitting defeat.

Time to face the lecture, "Jace and I are going to a strip club so go away, unless you wanna join?" I offered motioning to the portal.

She glares at me before turning on her heel and walking away. Haha. Poor Mynxy. I jump through the portal and hopefully Ill be at the auction house.

I land with a roll and see Jace making out with some girl in a black skin tight dress. I knee she wasn't just a girl. She was a demon. I cough, gaining both of their attentions. "Oh you took your time." Jace says as the demon smirked at me and strutted off.

"Mynx cornered me." I said, "shall we go?" I asks and he straightens up his suit and walks into the auction house. Every guy had to wear a suit. Had to look respectable or whatever. Yeah right. Were demons bidding for human slaves. Lets see who gets to be  with us troublesome twins.

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