Chapter 2- Tired Tuesday and A Detention Date

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I woke up the next morning as sleepy as a sloth. That's probably because after the movie, Jesse and I went to Dairy Queen, and stayed there until midnight, trying to test their, "Open 24 hours." Turns out, they are open until about midnight, when they start kicking people out. Tehe.

Anyway, when I woke up, I could barley keep my eyes open. I tried to find a good outfit to wear, because of Kyle going to ask me to the dance and all. But it was hard to care, because I was so tired. I finally decided on Cole Haan slouch boots, tan pantie-hoes, and a blue and white skirt. I also wore a white blouse, under a navy blazer. Our school colors are blue and white, so girls have to wear a pleaded skirt with panty-hoes, or dress pants. I was about to go downstairs when I noticed a necklase with a little saphire on it, under my door. I picked up the necklase, and a note that was attached to it. 

"Dear Olivia,

I'm sorry if you don't like Vickie, but I really do. I hope you can learn to like her too. If I did anything last night to set you off, I'm sorry and I hope that this makes up for it."

I put the necklase on, and slided a blue headband on with it. I was on my way downstairs, when I heard my driver, Lars, honk. Oh, no. I'm late! I grab a peice of toast and run out the door. I open the white doors of the limo. The limo has 5 cream colored seats, all together, like a couch. There is a t.v. on the wall, that the couches face. on one of the other sides, there is a mini fridge, jam full of Mountain Dew, my favorite. There is also another row of seats in the back, but rarely anyone sits there. In the WAY back of the limosine, there is a bar, which obviously only my dad uses. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, we pick up Jesse, and every Monday and Wednesday, Jesse drives me. It's just to give Lars a break.

When we got to Jesse's house, his brother, Luke, was outside, mowing the lawn. His brother is a freshman in college. He goes to Standford, which is pretty close to our houses, he also has all afternoon classes, so he is usually home in the morning, to help out his single mom. I used to have a crush on Luke, but I got over it by like the 7th grade. But he's still pretty cute.

"Hey Olivia!" He says as he jumps in the car, to the seat next to me. We live in kind of a rich area, with a lot of space, so it's about a 30-45 minuet drive to school, depending on traffic. Not everyone in school lives like us. Only a few do. 

"Hey Jesse. I say as I switch on the t.v. to ABC. "Ooh! Jane By Design is on!" I scweal.

"Yeah!" Jesse says in a voice, that was obviously mimicking me. I laugh and slug him in the arm.

"Hey! No violence!" Lars jokes. We all laugh, then I turn off the t.v. and take a Mountain Dew.

"Hey, so are you guys still thinking about opening a store in the mall?" Jesse says. My dad and I are considering opening up a store, and having me manage it. It sounds super fun, but the only reason he's doing it is because he wants me to have a job like a , "normal teen."

"Yeah, I think we're opening it around the holidays." I say, then take a gulp of my Mountain Dew. 

"Cool. Well, I never really got to studing last" I got the message and pulled my notebook out of my bag. The rest of the ride to school, I was trying to explain petagreeves to him. I swear I was so tired, I almost fell asleep talking about recessive traits.

We pulled up behind the school, where we always do, so people don't treat of different because we're rich. Only our friends know. I hobbled out of the car, followed by Jesse. Most of the kids, hang out in the front of the school, before school starts. Jesse and I walked to the front, and exchanged hellos with Sammie, and Kailey. We were in the middle of talking about my party, when I noticed that Kyle was starying to make his way over to me. I explained the situation to them, and right away we started talking about a cooler subject. As Kyle got up to me the bell rang, and all he managed to say was,

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